Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3633 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0024_0474 A copy of a document granting escheat property of Govardhana Sim to Śaṅkara Upādhyā and Padmanabha Kāphalyā (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0475 A copy of a deed of sale of kuśabirtā land by Gaureśvara Arjyāla of Makavānapura (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0476 A copy of an order re the payment of salary to Biryā Thāpā from mahaśula revenues of Salyāna (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0477 A copy of a record book re the purchase of buffaloes for the Daśain festival from different areas (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0478 A copy of an order granting chāpa land to Rāmadhara Bhaṇḍārī (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0479 A copy of a receipt for goods belonging to Syamarpa Lama handed over by Samudra Bahādura Bāḍā (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0480 A copy of an order re chāpa land grant to Kālu Thāpā in Salyāna (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0481 A copy of an order to Jasadhara Paṃtha re purchase of gold for royal palace and for awards to military officials from kūta revenues (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0482 A copy of an order re payment of salary to Viśvanātha Dulāla and Bhāskara Pādhyā from revenues of Kathmandu (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0483 A copy of an order re exempting people of Barmandi from beṭha begāra in consideration of supply of betel leaves to the royal palace (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0484 A copy of an order granting land to Najīkī Mahīndra Khatrī (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0485 A copy of an order to Dhana Sīṃ Buḍhā re cultivation of guṭhī land through jhārā labor in Kathmandu (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0486 A copy of an order re the grant of chāpa land to Juddha Adhikārī (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0487 A copy of an order granting chāpa land to Bājavarna Khaḍkā in Liglig, Gorkha (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0488 A copy of an order granting 24 ropanis of chāpa land to Karna Lama and others in Tokhā (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0489 A copy of an order appointing Devānanda Pādhyā Ḍhuṅgānā as a priest of Kālikā temple in Vijayapura (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0490 A copy of an order to Jaya Malla Ghartī to return stolen buffaloes of Arisūdana Singh (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0491 A copy of an order directing Nātha Thāpā to accompany Sardāra Bhakti Thāpā to Kumaun and exempting him from mahaśula tax (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0492 A copy of an order exempting bisamuri, beṭha and begāra granted to Jeṭhābuḍhā Haridatta Upādhyā and his brothers (VS 1851) 1851 VS
RRC_0024_0493 A copy of an order confirming gharabārī lands of ḍhākre umarāos accompanying Sardar Bhakti Thapa to Kumaun (VS 1851) 1851 VS
Displaying page 3633 of 4117; total number of records: 82336