Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3671 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0025_0259 A sales deed of land in Bhaktapur (VS 1842) 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0260 A sales deed of land in Bhaktapur (VS 1842) 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0261 A sales deed of land in Bhaktapur between Māna Siṃ Newāra and Gaurī Saṃkara Newāra (1842) 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0262 A sales deed of land in Bhaktapur (VS 1842) 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0263 A deed re sale of land in Bhaktapur by Dhana Datta et al. to Saṃṣa Siṃ Newāra (VS 1842) 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0264 A sales deed of land in Bhaktapur (VS 1842) 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0265 A deed re sale of land in Bhaktapur by Bhājudhana Bā̃ḍā et al. to Ṭauḍhīka Kulu (VS 1842) 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0266 A sales deed of land in Bhaktapur between Dharma Siṃ Newāra and Ṭauḍhik Kugila (1842) 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0267 A sales deed of land in Bhaktapur between Pādau Jyāpu and Palikasiṃ Sālamī (VS 1842) 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0268 A sales deed of land in Bhaktapur between Vakra Siṃ Bā̃ḍā and Gunalaxmi (VS 1842) 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0269 A sales deed of land in Bhaktapur between Bhagani Siṃ Newāra and Pālulakṣi Mahaṃmaile (VS 1842) 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0270 A sales deed of land in Bhaktapur (VS 1842) 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0271 A sales deed of land in Bhaktapur between Jaisaṃkhara Newāra and Maḍhī Newāra (1842) 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0272 A copy of a sales deed of land in Kathmandu between Śruṣa Newāra and Jaidhana Siṃ (1842) 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0273 A copy of a sales deed of land in Kathmandu between Kṛṣṇa Siṃ Newāra and Dhaṃju Newāra (1842) 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0274 A copy of a deed of sales between Khemalyānanda and Ratan Lamasāl (VS 1842) 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0275 A copy of a sales deed of land in Kathmandu between Deviriṣī Pādhyā and Bali Pādhyā (1842) 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0276 A copy of a sales deed of land in Kathmandu between Muralī Pādhyā and Balī Pādhyā (1842) 1842 VS
RRC_0025_0277 A copy of a document recording a chāpa land granted to Moti Ram Thapa (VS 1843) 1843 VS
RRC_0025_0278 A copy of a document granting homesite land to Jahar Singh and Kanak Singh Basnet (VS 1843) 1843 VS
Displaying page 3671 of 4117; total number of records: 82336