Identifier | Short title | Year | Actions |
RRC_0025_0279 | A receipt for ghee supplied from royal cattle farm in Jiri (1842) | 1842 VS | |
RRC_0025_0280 | A copy of a deed re sale of land by Devidata and his brothers to Dhanakṛṣṇa in Thimi, Bhaktapur (VS 1843) | 1843 VS | |
RRC_0025_0281 | A copy of a deed re sale of land in Thimi, Bhaktapur by Madana Datta Bhājudeu et al. to Mana Laxmi Newārni (1842) | 1842 VS | |
RRC_0025_0282 | A copy of a deed re sale of land in Thimi, Bhaktapur by Jaivira Siṃ et al. to Parmānanda Vasi (VS 1843) | 1843 VS | |
RRC_0025_0283 | A copy of a sales deed of land in Thimi, Bhaktapur between Chukudhī Vāḍā and Dhana Vāḍā (VS 1843) | 1843 VS | |
RRC_0025_0284 | A copy of a deed re sale of land and house in Bhaktapur by Sidha Harasiddhi and Vīhara Siṃ to Guṇavanta Vāmvala (VS 1843) | 1843 VS | |
RRC_0025_0285 | A copy of a sales deed of land in Thimi, Bhaktapur between Dhanamaṃta Jaikala Kuvāla and Dhanavaṃta Kuvāla (VS 1843) | 1843 VS | |
RRC_0025_0286 | A copy of a sales deed of land in Thimi, Bhaktapur between Gunānanda and Nukhā (VS 1843) | 1843 VS | |
RRC_0025_0287 | A copy of a deed re sale of land in Bhaktapur by Gunākara Siṃ Dhoju et al. to Dhana Vaṃta (VS 1843) | 1843 VS | |
RRC_0025_0288 | A copy of a sales deed of a house in Bhaktapur between Vaṣanaṇda and Dhaṇdatta (1843) | 1843 VS | |
RRC_0025_0289 | A copy of a deed re sale of land in Bhaktapur by Bhāgīrāma Kumāra et al. to Jaidhana Siṃ (VS 1843) | 1843 VS | |
RRC_0025_0290 | A copy of a deed re sale of land in Bhaktapur by Mahindra Siṃ et al. to Lakṣmī Newārni (1843) | 1843 VS | |
RRC_0025_0291 | A copy of a sale deed of land from Siṃdhu Siṃ to Mohajalī Newārnī (VS 1843) | 1843 VS | |
RRC_0025_0292 | A copy of sales deed of land from Mohana Siṃ and others to Laxmī Nārāṃ Citrakārī (VS 1843) | 1843 VS | |
RRC_0025_0293 | A copy of a sales deed of land from Paramānanī Anabhaṃta and others to Avīnaṃda (VS 1843) | 1843 VS | |
RRC_0025_0294 | A copy of a sales deed of a house from Pāḍonai Āle to Daṃdeune Āle (VS 1843) | 1843 VS | |
RRC_0025_0295 | A copy of a sales deed of land from Dharma Naṃda to Gunamanasā Lakṣmī (VS 1843) | 1843 VS | |
RRC_0025_0296 | A copy of a sales deed of land from Manoratha Siṃ to Dhana Kṛṣṇa (VS 1843) | 1843 VS | |
RRC_0025_0297 | A copy of a sales deed of land from Bhājudeu Vāḍā to Dhanasaṃkara Ṭhāregala (VS 1843) | 1843 VS | |
RRC_0025_0298 | A copy of a sales deed of land from Garuḍanārāyaṇa to Naṃda (VS 1843) | 1843 VS | |