Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 492 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
K_0016_0016B A lālamohara from King Rājendra appointing Mohana Girī manager of nine religious endowments (VS 1886) 1886 VS
K_0016_0016C A lālamohara from King Rājendra directing trust of Bhīmeśvara etc. to be managed out of the barren land allocatted (VS 1886) 1886 VS
K_0016_0016D A lālamohara from King Rājendra addressing four trustees to repair the roof etc. of Śrī Bhīmeśvara temple (VS 1886) 1886 VS
K_0016_0017A A lālamohara from King Rājendra authorizing Bakhatwara Siṃha to erect a structure of Śrī Nārāyaṇa (VS 1887) 1887 VS
K_0016_0018A A lālamohara from King Rajendra to Kalu Thāpā authorizing him 13 plots for managing Gorakhā's Kālikā Guthī (VS 1887) 1887 VS
K_0016_0018C A lālamohara instructing Balavanta Thāpā to pay a sum for the ornaments of Śrī Manakāmanā Devī etc. (VS 1887) 1887 VS
K_0016_0018D A lālamohara from King Rājendra appointing Santoṣa Nātha Jogī as the priest at Deughāṭa's Śrī Mukundanātha (VS 1887) 1887 VS
K_0016_0019A A lālamohara from King Rājendra appointing a person as caretaker of Śrī Mahādeva (VS 1887) 1887 VS
K_0016_0019B A lālamohara from King Rājendra directing Dhirja to repair two temples if they are in need etc. (VS 1887) 1887 VS
K_0016_0019C A lālamohara from King Rajendra to Naranārāyaṇa Ācārya appointing him as the priest of Ārghādevī Temple (VS 1887) 1887 VS
K_0016_0020A A lālamohara from King Rājendra appointing Śrī Jagannātha Pādhyāya as priest of Bhirakoṭa Guṭhī (VS 1887) 1887 VS
K_0016_0020B A lālamohara from King Rājendra appointing Nāgājarda Nātha Jogī at the priest's office of Bhirkoṭa's Śrī Bhairavanātha (VS 1887) 1887 VS
K_0016_0020C A lālamohara from King Rājendra exempting Kusles of Bhaktapur's Navadurgā from paying dues under forced labour (VS 1887) 1887 VS
K_0016_0021A A lālamohara from King Rājendra authorizing Lakṣmī Prasāda Upādhyāya to perform rituals of deities in Tanahũ (VS 1887) 1887 VS
K_0016_0021B A lālamohara from King Rājendra on appointing Indravilāsa Pādhyā for conducting the daily rituals (VS 1887) 1887 VS
K_0016_0021C A lālamohara from King Rājendra providing land for Bhīrakoṭa's Gupteśvara Guṭhī etc. (VS 1887) 1887 VS
K_0016_0021D A lālamohara from King Rajendra appointing Jaya Nārāyaṇa Wāgle a priest under the Acchāma sub-division trust (VS 1887) 1887 VS
K_0016_0021E A lālamohara from King Rājendra appointing Hirā Nanda Pādhyā and Raghu Nātha Pādhyā as the managers of Dhurkoṭa's Kālikā Guthī (VS 1887) 1887 VS
K_0016_0022A A lālamohara from King Rājendra to Kula Nārāyaṇa re his responsibility to operate the trust etc. (VS 1887) 1887 VS
K_0016_0022B A lālamohara from King Rājendra appointing Vīrabhadra Pādhyā to priest's office with land allocated for performing rituals of Śrī Siddha Devatā of Jhāṅgajholi (VS 1887) 1887 VS
Displaying page 492 of 4117; total number of records: 82336