Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 493 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
K_0016_0022C A lālamohara of King Rājendra appointing Karṇānanda Upādhyaya for performing rituals etc. (VS 1887) 1887 VS
K_0016_0022D A lālamohara from King Rājendra to Rūpa Nārāyaṇa Bana appointing him as manager of Śrī Jāgeśvara Guthi (VS 1887) 1887 VS
K_0016_0023A A lālamohara from King Rājendra directing Jagannātha Ācāra et al. to conduct annual function of Śrī Guhyeśvarī (VS 1887) 1887 VS
K_0016_0023B A lālamohara from King Rājendra appointing Sukadeva Bhārati for performing the rituals of Pūjā Guṭhī (VS 1887) 1887 VS
K_0016_0024A A lālamohara from King Rājendra releasing land to grow vegetables for conducting rituals at Bhaktapur's Śrī Taleju (VS 1889) 1889 VS
K_0016_0024B A lālamohara from King Rājendra to Nandikeśvara Pādhyā etc. to operate Bhirkoṭa's Bhīmeśvara Guṭhī etc. (VS 1889) 1889 VS
K_0016_0024C A lālamohara from King Rājendra appointing Suratha Gīrī priest at Bhaktapur's Śrī Vāgeśvarī (VS 1889) 1889 VS
K_0016_0025A A lālamohara of King Rājendra appointing Sansamāna Jaisi and Mahānanda Jaisi to perform the daily rituals of Jālpādevī (VS 1889) 1889 VS
K_0016_0025B A lālamohara from King Rājendra appointing Rūpa Nārāyaṇa Jhā priest of Bhaktapur's Sūrya Vināyaka (VS 1889) 1889 VS
K_0016_0025C A lālamohara from King Rajendra appointing Mādhava Puri and Sarju Bharatī for conducting the rituals of Śrī Candananātha (VS 1889) 1889 VS
K_0016_0026A A lālamohara from King Rajendra obligating the priest of Cāvela Gaṇeśa to pay a sum as a charge for the trust etc. (VS 1889) 1889 VS
K_0016_0026B A lālamohara from King Rajendra appointing Sādhana Pharāsa as the manager of Hanumanadhokā's Sri Kaḍela Coka Bhagavati Guthī (VS 1889) 1889 VS
K_0016_0026C A lālamohara by King Rājendra allocating the barren land to the trust of two monasteries (VS 1889) 1889 VS
K_0016_0027A A lālamohara from King Rājendra appointing Sarvaṇa Girī as a manager at Śrī Sareśvara Mahādeva and empowers to perform rituals (VS 1889) 1889 VS
K_0016_0027B A lālamohara from King Rājendra allocating land to singers at Bhaktapur's Sūrya Vināyaka temple (VS 1889) 1889 VS
K_0016_0027C A lālamohara from King Rājendra instructing Tulasi Rāma Josi Regmi to perform the rituals of Śrī Lakṣmīnārāyaṇa (VS 1889) 1889 VS
K_0016_0028A A lālamohara from King Rājendra to Balarāma Kunwar allocating land as a trust for constructing a caravansarai (VS 1889) 1889 VS
K_0016_0028B A copy of a lālamohara from King Rājendra appointing Lakṣmīnātha Bhaṭṭarāī as caretaker of the guṭhī attached to Śrī Kālikā of Gorkhā (VS 1889) 1889 VS
K_0016_0029 A lālamohara from King Rājendra appointing Bhānarasiṃha as a manager of Kathmandu's Śrī Navadurgā (VS 1889) 1889 VS
K_0016_0030 A lālamohara from King Rajendra appointing Bhadgaon's Kirti Siṃha as the manager of Āgama and Sri Taleju Guthīs (VS 1889) 1889 VS
Displaying page 493 of 4117; total number of records: 82336