Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 582 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
K_0043_0002 An information from Harkha Narasimha Śreṣṭa to Guṭhī Lagata Aḍḍā re the land attached to Ṭokhā's Śrī Caṇḍeśvara Mahādeva Guṭhī (VS 1998) 1998 VS
K_0043_0003 An application from Harkha Narsimha re the land concealed by the priest-cum-trustees of Śrī Caṇḍeśvara Mahādeva Guṭhī (VS 1998) 1998 VS
K_0043_0004 A power of attorney given by Harkha Narasimha Śreṣṭa to Nāni Bābu Śreṣṭa to contest a suit re misappropriation of the guṭhī land of Ṭokhā's Śrī Caṇḍeśvara and Śrī Caṇḍeśvarī (VS 1998) 1998 VS
K_0043_0005 A bond made by Nānibābu Śreṣṭa as the attorney in a suit against Navarāja Josi re concealment of land attached to the trust of Ṭokhā's Śrī Caṇḍeśvara Mahādeva (VS 1998) 1998 VS
K_0043_0006 A note from Revenue Collection Office re the operations of Śrī Candesvara Mahādeva Guṭhī (VS 1963) 1963 VS
K_0043_0007 A deposition made by Navarāja Jośī before Guṭhī Lagata re the missing guṭhī land attached to Śrī Caṇḍeśvara Mahadeva and Śrī Caṇḍeśvarī (VS 1998) 1998 VS
K_0043_0008A A deposition from Āsāmadu Śreṣṭa to Guṭhī Lagata re volunteering information concerning the unaccounted guṭhī land of Ṭokhā's Śrī Caṇḍeśvara and Śrī Caṇḍeśvari (VS 1998) 1998 VS
K_0043_0008B A deposition made by the resident of Ṭokhā before the inquiring committee re misappropriation of the trust land by the priests of Śrī Caṇḍeśvara and Śrī Caṇḍeśvarī Devī (VS 1998) 1998 VS
K_0043_0009 A deposition made by Asāmadu Śreṣṭa before Guṭhī Lagata re having no other supporting document of Caṇḍeśvara Mahādeva Guṭhī other than those referred to in his petition (VS 1998) 1998 VS
K_0043_0010 A deposition made by Mrs. Heramāyā Karmācārya of Ṭokhā re the lost land attached to the trust of Caṇḍeśvara Mahādeva (VS 1998) 1998 VS
K_0043_0011 An application filed by Thike Karmācārya before Guṭhī Lagata re his absence in the office for the suit against Harkha Narasimha Karmācārya (VS 1998) 1998 VS
K_0043_0012 An application from Thike Karmācārya re convertion of guṭhī land into private land by Trustees Jitesvara and Kāsīnātha (VS 1998) 1998 VS
K_0043_0013 A receipt from Revenue Collection Office a fine collected from Kāsinātha for misappropriating the guṭhī land of Śrī Caṇḍeśvara Mahādeva (VS 1963) 1963 VS
K_0043_0014 A receipt from Revenue Office for the plot no. 940 of Thalāga, Ṭokhā payable by Kāśīnātha Karmācārya (VS 1963) 1963 VS
K_0043_0015 A receipt for the rent delivered by Kasīnātha Karmacarya for the year 1997 VS at Revenue Collection Office (VS 1997) 1997 VS
K_0043_0016 An agreement signed by Śukhu Śreṣṭa re his willingness and ablility to pay the rent of Ṭokhā's Śrī Caṇḍeśvara Mahādeva Guthi land (VS 1976) 1976 VS
K_0043_0017 A note to Guṭhī Lagata asking whether the barren land of Śrī Caṇḍeśvara Mahādeva can be converted into revenue paying land in favour of Ṭokhā's Kṛṣṇa Bahādura Karmācārya (VS 1986) 1986 VS
K_0043_0018 A petition presented to the premier as the notice to appear before Guṭhī Lagata went unresponded (VS 1998) 1998 VS
K_0043_0019 A note from Guṭhī Lagata to Devāni Adālata informing that the criminal misappropriation of guṭhī land falls within the domain of the court (VS 1998) 1998 VS
K_0043_0020 A note from Survey Department informing Devāni Adālata that the copy of the plot under dispute cannot be sent as the column under remarks is marked litigated (VS 1998) 1998 VS
Displaying page 582 of 4117; total number of records: 82336