Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 586 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
K_0044_0031 A muculkā made by the signatories re untraced land of Jayaprakāśa Thāpujā Guṭhī (VS 1974) 1974 VS
K_0044_0032 A document from King Jayaprakāśa Malla setting up Jayaprakāśa Thāpujā Guṭhī for operating the rituals of Śrī Taleju (VS 1798) 1798 NS
K_0044_0033 A lālamohara from King Pṛthvī Vīra Vikrama allocating land for Taleju Jayaprakāśa Malla Thāpujā Guṭhī (VS 1967) 1967 VS
K_0044_0034 A balance sheet of Jayaprakāśa Taleju Thāpujā Guṭhī presented by Bhairava Lāla Jośī (VS 1972) 1972 VS
K_0044_0035 A bond made by the signatories with Guṭhī Lagata re the untraced land of Jayaprakāśa Thāpujā Guṭhī (VS 1974) 1974 VS
K_0044_0036 A statement from the signatories confirming posting of a notice re the untraced guṭhī land (VS 1975) 1975 VS
K_0044_0038 A bond made by Junārāv Jyāpu stating his willingness to give up occupancy right of Taleju's Jayaprakāśa Thāpujā Guṭhī land (VS 1976) 1976 VS
K_0044_0039 A seven-day notice re Jayaprakāśa Thāpujā Guṭhī land found to be less than specified in original deed (VS 1976) 1976 VS
K_0044_0040 A receipt acknowledged by Bhairava Lāla Jośī re responsibility of tracing Taleju Jayaprakāśa Malla Thāpujā Guṭhī land (VS 1976) 1976 VS
K_0044_0041 A bond made by Śrīmāna Ḍoṅgola stating he is not willing and able to pay the specified rent of Jayaprakāśa Thāpujā Guṭhī land (VS 1976) 1976 VS
K_0044_0042 A document from King Jayaprakāśa Malla dedicating a house to Paśupati's Gorakhanātha Guṭhī (NS 884) 884 NS
K_0044_0043 A document re a trust founded by King Jayaprakāśa Malla to provide uncooked food to monks visiting Mṛgasthali's Śrī Gorakhanātha (NS 883) 883 NS
K_0044_0044 A document allocating land situated at Indracoka to Paśupati's Gorakhanātha Guṭhī (VS 1821) 1821 VS
K_0044_0045 A lālamohara from King Rājendra appointing Sevanātha Jogi to operate Gorakhanātha Sadāvarta Guṭhī (VS 1897) 1897 VS
K_0044_0046 A lālamohara from King Pṛthvī Vīra Vikrama retaining the house and shop at Indracoka attached to Gorakhanātha Guṭhī in favour of Raiṭinātha (VS 1966) 1966 VS
K_0044_0047 A bond entered into by a tenant of Gorakhanātha Guṭhī land re his willingness to pay the rent according to previous trust records (VS 1984) 1984 VS
K_0044_0048 A document re a trust founded by King Jayaprakāśa Malla for feeding monks visiting Mṛgasthalī's Śrī Gorakhanātha (VS 1955) 1955 VS
K_0044_0049 A bond entered into by the tenants attached to Gorakhanātha Guṭhī to either pay the stipulated rent or relinquish title to the land (VS 1984) 1984 VS
K_0044_0050 A petition from a tenant of Gorakhanātha Guṭhī re a suit relating to the rent of the trust land (VS 1984) 1984 VS
K_0044_0051 A document from King Gīrvāṇayuddha retaining the alms-giving trust of Gorakhanātha in favour of Raitinātha Jogi (VS 1866) 1866 VS
Displaying page 586 of 4117; total number of records: 82336