Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 675 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
K_0071_0013 A document cataloguing rituals of Dīpamālā Guṭhī at Nuvākoṭa's Śrī Bhairavī (VS 1841) 1841 VS
K_0071_0013A A petition filed by Rudra Māna Siṁha et al. for restoring offices of Nuvākoṭa's Śrī Bhairavī (VS 2006) 2006 VS
K_0071_0013B An executive order from Gen. Raṇoddīpa directing Lācyāṅg's people to perform rituals and repair Nuvākoṭa's Śrī Bhairavī (VS 1915) 1915 VS
K_0071_0013C A lālamohara from King Rājendra favouring Rājumāna Siṁha to cultivate Nuvākoṭa's Bhairavī Guṭhī land (VS 1879) 1879 VS
K_0071_0013D An executive order from King Raṇa Bahādura re burning of oil-fed lamps at Nuvākoṭa's Śrī Bhairavī (VS 1845) 1845 VS
K_0071_0013E An executive order from King Raṇa Bahādura directing Lacyāng's tenants to return to their properties (VS 1850) 1850 VS
K_0071_0013F An executive order from King Pratāpa Siṁha empowering Jnāna Deo Dhāmī to operate Nuvākoṭa's Bhairavī Guṭhī (VS 1832) 1832 VS
K_0071_0013G An executive order from King Pṛthvīnārāyaṇa directing tax-collectors not to impose tax on trusts of Nuvākoṭa's Śrī Bhairavī (VS 1825) 1825 VS
K_0071_0013H An executive order from Col. Raṇavīra Siṁha Thāpā re exemption of Nuvākoṭa's Bhairavī Guṭhī priests et al. from corvee (VS 1874) 1874 VS
K_0071_0013I An executive order from King Rajendra directing tax-collectors not to impose tax on nine trusts of Nuvākoṭa's Śrī Bhairavī (VS 1891) 1891 VS
K_0071_0013J An executive order from King Gīrvāṇa directing Nuvākoṭa's authorities to let Śrī Bhairavī's priest cut down trees (VS 1860) 1860 VS
K_0071_0013K An executive order from Premier Raṇoddīpa authorizing Nuvākoṭa Bhairavī's priest to cut down specific trees (VS 1941) 1941 VS
K_0071_0013L A document from Rudramāna to the Premier re performimg the rituals of Nuvākoṭa's Śrī Bhairavī (VS 2006) 2006 VS
K_0071_0013M A document acknowledging the receipt of feudal dues for Nuvākoṭa's Bhairavī Guṭhī land (VS 1975) 1975 VS
K_0071_0013N A relinquishment of Bhairavī Guṭhī land by the tenant (VS 1975) 1975 VS
K_0071_0013O An executive order of King Rājendra directing Lācyāng's tenants to return and cultivate Nuvākoṭa's Bhairavī Guṭhī land (VS 1879) 1879 VS
K_0071_0013Q A bond entered into by priests re operation of Dīpamālā Guṭhī at Nuvākoṭa's Śrī Bhairavī (VS 1978) 1978 VS
K_0071_0013R A document from the Guṭhī Lagata to West no. 1 Gośvārā re cataloguing Nuvākoṭa's Śrī Bhairavī (VS 1985) 1985 VS
K_0071_0013S A document from King Raṇa Bahādura et al. dedicating land for burning oil-fed lamps at Nuwākoṭa's Śrī Bhairavī (VS 1845) 1845 VS
K_0071_0013T An application filed by Dharmamāna Siṁha to West no. 1 Gośvārā re Nuvākoṭa's Bhairavī Guṭhī (VS 1974) 1974 VS
Displaying page 675 of 4117; total number of records: 82336