Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 677 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
K_0071_0027F A bond from six tenants re trust land of Taleju Thāpujā Guṭhī of Patan (VS 1966) 1966 VS
K_0071_0027F1 A notice put up at the Bhaktapur Durbar Square re untraced land of Patan's Taleju Thāpujā Guṭhī (VS 1975) 1975 VS
K_0071_0027G A deposition from tenants re the rent payable to the trust (VS 1966) 1966 VS
K_0071_0027G1 A catalogue of holdings of Taleju Thāpujā Guṭhī of Patan (VS 1909) 1909 VS
K_0071_0027H A bond by Nara Bahādura Buḍhāthokī re cultivation of the trust land of the Taleju Thāpujā Guṭhī of Patan (VS 1966) 1966 VS
K_0071_0027H1 An application from the contractor of the Taleju Thāpujā Guṭhī of Patan claming he has no supporting document for the guṭhī operations (VS 1963) 1963 VS
K_0071_0027I A bond by Nara Bahādura Buḍhāthoki made before the Guṭhī Lagata re rent of the Taleju Thāpujā Guṭhī of Patan (VS 1966) 1966 VS
K_0071_0027I1 A deposition from Ratna Māna Mānandhara re operation and income of Taleju Thāpujā Guṭhī land (VS 1977) 1977 VS
K_0071_0027J A bond by the tenants of Taleju Thāpujā Guṭhī made before the Guṭhī Lagata re rent of trust land (VS 1966) 1966 VS
K_0071_0027J1 A deposition by the contractor of Taleju Thāpujā Guṭhī made before the guṭhī re operation of the trust (VS 1945) 1945 VS
K_0071_0027K A bond by the tenants made before the Guṭhi Lagata stating they are willing to pay rent of the Taleju Thāpujā Guṭhī of Patan (VS 1966) 1966 VS
K_0071_0027L A bond from the local gentry re land called Vāgamatīḍola of Taleju Thāpujā Guṭhī (VS 1966) 1966 VS
K_0071_0027M A bond from Bhoga Rāja Upādhyā paying rent for land of Taleju Thāpujā Guṭhī (VS 1966) 1966 VS
K_0071_0027N A bond from the tenant Taleju Thāpujā Guṭhī stating his willing to pay the rent (VS 1966) 1966 VS
K_0071_0027O A bond from Buddhi Māna Jyāpu re rent of the Taleju Thāpujā Guṭhī of Patan (VS 1966) 1966 VS
K_0071_0027P A bond from Lakṣmī Nārāyaṇa Jyāpu re land of the Śrī Taleju Thāpujā Guṭhī of Patan washed away by stream (VS 1966) 1966 VS
K_0071_0027Q A bond from Bhoja Rāja Upādhya re Taleju Thāpujā Guṭhī land (VS 1966) 1966 VS
K_0071_0027R A bond from Hari Prasāda Ḍhakāla re land attached to Taleju Thāpujā Guṭhī (VS 1966) 1966 VS
K_0071_0027S A bond from Bhoja Rāja Upādhyā stating he is willing to pay the rent (VS 1966) 1966 VS
K_0071_0027T A document from the Guṭhī Lagata directing local gentry to help officials conduct survey of Taleju Thāpujā Guṭhī land (VS 1966) 1966 VS
Displaying page 677 of 4117; total number of records: 82336