Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 757 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
K_0093_0006I An executive order from Premier Jaṅga Bahādura to Haribhajan Dāsa providing land for a flower garden at Janakapura's Śrī Jānakī (VS 1933) 1933 VS
K_0093_0006J A lālamohara from King Tribhuvana appointing Navala Kiśora Dāsa as priest at Janakapura's Śrī Jānakī (VS 1985) 1985 VS
K_0093_0007 An executive order from King Rājendra directing tenants of Ṭhimī to take possession of barren land for helping during the war (VS 1893) 1893 VS
K_0093_0008A A document dedicating land to Thānakoṭa's Śrī Āditya Nārāyaṇa (NS 8__?) 8 ? NS
K_0093_0008B An inscription on a stele made by Hāku Deva Bhāra to accompany the image of Śrī Ādinārāyaṇa and rest-house at Thānakoṭa (NS 801) 801 NS
K_0093_0008C A stone tablet inscription accompanying the image of Thānakoṭa's Śrī Ādinārāyaṇa (NS 875) 875 NS
K_0093_0008D This stone tablet inscription dedicated to Thānakoṭa's Śrī Ādinārāyaṇa on behalf of a son's deceased father (NS 8__?) 8 ? NS
K_0093_0008E A stele inscription dedicated to Thānakoṭa's Śrī Ādinārāyana by Lakṣmi Nārāyaṇa Vaidya on behalf of his deceased father and grandfather (VS 1967) 1967 VS
K_0093_0009A A usufructuary mortgage on land for a sum to pay customs duties (VS 1925) 1925 VS
K_0093_0009B A usufructuary mortgage on land (VS 1925) 1925 VS
K_0093_0010A A document providing land for Thānakoṭa's Garuḍanārāyaṇa Guṭhī (NS 789) 789 NS
K_0093_0010B An executive order of Premier Jaṅga Bahādura incorporating the residents of Thānakoṭa into the postal system (VS 1922) 1922 VS
K_0093_0011 An executive order from the General Dhira Śamśera directing Kālidāsa Sāhu to take care of the mound of Śrī Mahākālī (VS 1923) 1923 VS
K_0093_0012A An executive order from Premier Raṇoddīpa exempting Hāku Jyāpu from corvee for services at Cāpāgāũ's Śrī Vajravārāhī (VS 1935) 1935 VS
K_0093_0012B An executive order from Premier Raṇoddīpa directing Hākucā Jyāpu to sell dead wood of the grove of Śrī Vajravārāhī (VS 1935) 1935 VS
K_0093_0013A A document from King Gīrvāṇa re providing a village to operate Buṭawal's Nārāyaṇa Guṭhī (VS 1864) 1864 VS
K_0093_0013B An executive order from King Gīrvāṇa empowering Manirāja to perform rituals of Śrī 7 Mannārāyaṇa of Buṭawal (VS 1869) 1869 VS
K_0093_0014 A lālamohara from King Gīrvāṇa appointing Devanārāyaṇa Jaisi to operate Brahmeśvara Sādheśvara Guṭhī (VS 1859) 1859 VS
K_0093_0015 A lālamohara from King Gīrvāṇa providing land for butchers at Śrī Guhyeśvarī (VS 1859) 1859 VS
K_0093_0016 A document from Māna Siṃha providing land for operating Svayambhū Bhagavāna Guṭhī (VS 1863) 1863 VS
Displaying page 757 of 4117; total number of records: 82336