Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 755 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
K_0093_0002A An executive order from Premier Raṇoddīpa authorizing Sarmānanda Pādhyā to perform rituals at Jumlā's Śrī Tripurasundarī (VS 1939) 1939 VS
K_0093_0002B An executive order from Premier Raṇoddīpa authorizing a priest to operate the Tripurasundarī Guṭhī (VS 1939) 1939 VS
K_0093_0002C A purjī from Jagatasiṃ Pāḍe Kṣetrī authorizing Viśnupada Upādhyā to continue recitations in the temple of Tripurasundarī in Tripurākoṭ (VS 1918) 1918 VS
K_0093_0002D A rukkā from King Gīrvāṇayuddha authorizing Syurām Pādhyā to perform rituals in the temple of Tripurasundarī in Jumla Tiprīkoṭ (VS 1861) 1861 VS
K_0093_0002E A copy of a rukkā of King Rājendra providing remuneration to the priest Viśṇupada Pādhyā for performing rituals at a Tripurasundarī temple (VS 1895) 1895 VS
K_0093_0002F A copy of a rukkā of King Rājendra directing the priest Visnupada Pādhyā to run a sadāvarta related to the Tripurasundarī temple of Tripurākoṭa (VS 1897) 1897 VS
K_0093_0002G An executive order from Kājī Raṇavīra Siṃha Basnyāta etc. directing Jīvanātha Pādhyā to recite verses from the Tripurasahasranāma (VS 1905) 1905 VS
K_0093_0002H A copy of a rukkā from King Gīrvāṇa granting an additional eight murīs of land to a guṭhī devoted to the worship of Tripurasundarī (VS 1871) 1871 VS
K_0093_0002I An executive order from Jītajaṅga Bahādura Rāṇā restraining a local revenue official from collecting revenue on Tripurasundarī guṭhī lands in Jumla (VS 1936) 1936 VS
K_0093_0002J A document revalidating Jumlā's Tripurasundarī Devī Guṭhī (VS 1928) 1928 VS
K_0093_0002K An executive order from Kṛṣṇadhvaja Kũvara Rāṇā to Vīsnupada Pādhyā restoring him to his post in the Tripurasundarī Guṭhī of Tripurākoṭ (VS 1912) 1912 VS
K_0093_0002L A document from Jagat Siṃha Pāṇḍe empowering Viṣṇupada Pādhyā to operate the Tripurasundarī Guṭhī (VS 1918) 1918 VS
K_0093_0002M A document from the Guṭhī Jā̃ca directing certain villages to pay rent to Jumlā's Tripurasundarī Guṭhī (VS 1918) 1918 VS
K_0093_0002N A document from the General Survey directing the priest of Jumlā's Śrī Tripurasundarī to perform rituals (VS 1909) 1909 VS
K_0093_0002O A copy of a purjī from the Daphatarakhānā confirming Śyāmadhara Kaṭhāyeta's right to enjoy from each household for his ritual duties at Jumlā's Tripurasundarī temple (VS 1909) 1909 VS
K_0093_0002P A copy of an appointment letter signed by Nainasīṃ Thāpā defining Syāmadhara Kaṭhāyet's ritual duties at Jumlā's Tripurasundarī temple (VS 1902) 1902 VS
K_0093_0002Q A document from the General Survey confirming the amount of grain to be collected from every tenant household of Jumlā's Tripurasundarī Guṭhī (VS 1925) 1925 VS
K_0093_0002R An document from the General Survey providing a year's payment to the priest of Jumlā's Śrī Tripurasundarī (VS 1906) 1906 VS
K_0093_0002S A document from the General Survey authorizing a Śrī Tripurasundarī priest to collect rent (VS 1905) 1905 VS
K_0093_0002T An executive order from King Rājendra authorizing Viṣṇu Pada Pādhyā to operate the alms-giving trust of Jumlā's Tripurasundarī Guṭhī (VS 1897) 1897 VS
Displaying page 755 of 4117; total number of records: 82336