Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 76 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
DNA_0015_0109 A lālamohara of the king giving clearance to Aḍai Lakṣmīnārāyaṇa Jaisī of the paid tax (VS 1884) 1884 VS
DNA_0015_0110 A lālamohara from King Raṇa Bahādura granting three kheta-s to Suravira Siṁha as chāpa (VS 1849) 1849 VS
DNA_0015_0111 A rukkā from the king awarding two elephants to a group of susāre-s (VS 1900) 1900 VS
DNA_0015_0112 A mohara tāmrapatra from King Rājendra granting land and ghaḍeri to Dharmānanda Pādhyā Rupākheti as birtā (VS 1888) 1888 VS
DNA_0015_0113 A mohara tāmrapatra from King Gīrvāṇa granting kheta-ghaḍeri to Śyām Ojhā Paṇḍita as kuśa-birtā (VS 1865) 1865 VS
DNA_0016_0001 A patra from King Raṇa Bahādura directing Vrajanātha Paṇḍita to escort Bhāju Kuṭu to Kathmandu (VS 1838) 1838 VS
DNA_0016_0002 A rukkā from the king granting four villages in Cainpur to Gajadala Khatri (VS 1895) 1895 VS
DNA_0016_0003 A lālamohara from King Rājendra allowing Bhāṃnārāyaṇa Vārāhi to enjoy the aputāli property of Bhakta Siṃha Vārāhi as sunā-birtā (VS 1890) 1890 VS
DNA_0016_0004 A lālamohara from King Rājendra granting land to Purohita Viśvanātha Paṇḍita Arjyāla (VS 1892) 1892 VS
DNA_0016_0005 A lālamohara from King Rājendra granting land to Raṅganātha Pauḍyāla on the occasion of the first death anniversary of the king's step-grandmother (VS 1890) 1890 VS
DNA_0016_0006 A mohara tāmrapatra from King Rājendra granting kheta-ghaḍeri to Dharmānanda Paṇḍita as birtā (VS 1882) 1882 VS
DNA_0016_0007 A lālamohara from King Rājendra granting kheta-ghaḍeri to Eka Kṛṣṇa Vaidya (VS 1892) 1892 VS
DNA_0016_0008 A lālamohara from King Rājendra granting kheta-ghaḍeri to Ekadeva Vaidya as birtā (VS 1892) 1892 VS
DNA_0016_0009 A mohara tāmrapatra from King Rājendra granting kheta-ghaḍeri to Vāni Vilāsa Paṇḍita Pā̃ḍe as birtā (VS 1888) 1888 VS
DNA_0016_0010 A lālamohara from King Rājendra exchanging Kote Jaktirāja Kārki's birtā kheta for another (VS 1891) 1891 VS
DNA_0016_0011 A mohara tāmrapatra from King Rājendra granting kheta-ghaḍeri to Śiva Priyā Dhāī as birtā (VS 1879) 1879 VS
DNA_0016_0012 A lālamohara from King Rājendra granting kheta-ghaḍeri to Eka Surya Vaidya as birtā (VS 1878) 1878 VS
DNA_0016_0013 A mohara tāmrapatra from King Rājendra granting kheta-ghaḍeri to Kājī Dalabhañjana Pā̃ḍe as birtā (VS 1891) 1891 VS
DNA_0016_0014 A mohara tāmrapatra from King Rājendra granting land to Gauridatta Miśra Vaidya as birtā (VS 1888) 1888 VS
DNA_0016_0015 A patra from King Gīrvāṇa inviting Pṛthvīpāla Sena Bahādura to attend a pre-wedding ceremony (VS 1860) 1860 VS
Displaying page 76 of 4117; total number of records: 82336