A letter from Vāmadeva Paṇḍita to King Surendra re the health of Jaṅga Bahādura Rāṇā and the situation of the elder queen of Rājendra in Vāraṇasī

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Identifier: DNA_0001_0092
Title: A letter from Vāmadeva Paṇḍita to King Surendra re the health of Jaṅga Bahādura Rāṇā and the situation of the elder queen of Rājendra in Vāraṇasī
Type, original: ciṭṭhīpatra, bintīpatra; unspecified


Abstract: This letter of Guru Purohit Khajañci Vāmadev Paṇḍit sent from Benares states that Maiyā Saheb will return after visiting Chardham. It also shows worriedness for deteriorating health of śrī 3 mahārāj.
Issued by and to:
Donor, king:
Type of endowment:
Region of endowment:
Purpose of endowment:
Amount of endowment:


Date: unspecified unspecified unspecified unspecified unspecified unspecified
Further details:

Script and language

Language, script: unspecified; Devanagari

Physical appearance

Width, height, and unit: 18; 17.5; cm
No. of folios: 1
Material, binding, and colour: mill-made paper; unspecified; light brown
Condition: unspecified; complete


Institution and reg. no.: National Archives Kathmandu; Ms. no. 92
Source and details: NGMPP catalogue card; Microfilmed on 25/02/2000 as NGMPP DNA 1/92
Running no., exposures: 92

Project specific information

Created, modified, ID: 10/24/17, 1:10 PM
Technical terms: guru, purohit, khajañci, paṇḍit, chardham, saheb, śri 3 mahārāj

Associated secondary literature

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