A purjī from the Pāhāḍa Bandobasta Birtā Phā̃ṭa to the Guṭhī Bandobasta Aḍḍa re financial support for a guṭhī established by one of the reigning queens and Udīpa Sīṃha Rāṇā during a visit to Rāmeśvara Dhāma to ensure the daily recitation there of the Rudrī (VS 1988)

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Identifier: K_0360_0005
Title: A purjī from the Pāhāḍa Bandobasta Birtā Phā̃ṭa to the Guṭhī Bandobasta Aḍḍa re financial support for a guṭhī established by one of the reigning queens and Udīpa Sīṃha Rāṇā during a visit to Rāmeśvara Dhāma to ensure the daily recitation there of the Rudrī (VS 1988)
Type, original: purjī; original


Abstract: This is a note from the Birtā Phānta to the Guṭhī Administration in respect of the sanade made for the trust of Rāmeśvara in 1937 when Premier Raṇoddīpa accompanied the rānī of Prince Trailokya on pilgrimage.
Issued by and to: Birta Phānta; Guṭhī Administration
Place: Madrasa; Rāmeśvara; Vaiṣṇava
Donor, king:
Type of endowment:
Region of endowment:
Purpose of endowment:
Amount of endowment:


Date: unspecified 1988 Pauṣa unspecified unspecified unspecified
Further details:

Script and language

Language, script: Nepali; Devanagari

Physical appearance

Width, height, and unit: 23.00; 15.00; cm
No. of folios:
Material, binding, and colour: unspecified; unspecified; unspecified
Condition: good; complete


Institution and reg. no.: Bhadrakālī; 3; Bā. Da. Po. no. 26
Source and details: NGMPP catalogue card; Microfilmed on 13/03/1994 as NGMPP K 360/5
Running no., exposures: K 22143; 1

Project specific information

Created, modified, ID: 11/7/18, 12:00 AM; 12/9/24, 5:00 PM; 18
Technical terms: sanada

Associated secondary literature

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