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A purjī from the Pāhāḍa Bandobasta Birtā Phā̃ṭa to the Guṭhī Bandobasta Aḍḍa re financial support for a guṭhī established by one of the reigning queens and Udīpa Sīṃha Rāṇā during a visit to Rāmeśvara Dhāma to ensure the daily recitation there of the Rudrī (VS 1988)

ID: K_0360_0005

Edited and translated by Ramhari Timalsina
Created: 2021-08-30; Last modified: 2024-12-10
For the metadata of the document, click here

Published by Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Documents on the History of Religion and Law of Pre-modern Nepal, Heidelberg, Germany, 2024. Published by the courtesy of the National Archives, Kathmandu. The copyright of the facsimile remains with the Nepal Rashtriya Abhilekhalaya (National Archives, Government of Nepal). All use of the digital facsimiles requires prior written permission by the copyright holder. See Terms of Use.
The accompanying edition, translation/synopsis and/or commentary are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License CCby-SA.


This document is a purjī from the Pāhāḍa Bandobasta Birtā Phā̃ṭa to the Guṭhī Bandobasta Aḍḍa of Śrī 5 Sarkāra, detailing financial support for a guṭhī established half a century earlier by Queen Trailokya Rajya Lakshmi Devi and Prime Minister Raṇa Udīpa Sīṃha Rāṇā during their visit to Rāmeśvara Dhāma. The guṭhī was founded to ensure the daily recitation of the Rudrī in honour of Śrī Rāmeśvara.

Diplomatic edition


[A seal of the Pāhāḍa Bandobasta Bīrtā Phāṭa with the legend:] श्री पाहाड वंदोवस्त वीर्ता फाट १९६४



4ज्मा­मोरु­∙५६१॥ //॥­माल∙को­∙श्रेस्ता­∙वुझी­∙पंडा­∙छेउ­∙चलां­∙गर्नालाई­
9ष­∙      गते­रोज­∙      सुभम्‌­ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯



3 ta/1387

No. 281

[A seal of the Pāhāḍa Bandobasta Birtā Phāṭa with the legend:] Śrī Pāhāḍa Baṃdobasta Bīrtā Phāṭa 1964

A purjī from the Pā[hāḍa] Ba[ndobasta] Bīrtā Phā̃ṭa to the Guṭhī Bandobasta [Aḍḍā] of Śrī 5 Sarkāra


Uprānta. When Her Majesty (valī ahad, text reads: valīhad) the Queen and Śrī 3 Mahārāja, Raṇa Udīpa Sīṃha Rāṇā, visited [Rāmeśvara] Dhāma, 2 [they established a guṭhī,3 having made a ritual declaration (saṃkalpa)]4 in the name of Śrī Rāmeśvara to perform one complete repetition of the Rudrī5 daily. We issued a sanada6 bearing 2 stamps of the Pā. Bī., [document] no. 79, together with a dispatch letter [calānī] on Thursday, the 2nd day of the Pauṣa month of [VS 19]88 requesting:

"After examining the ledger (śrestā) of the revenue office (māla), prepare and issue any necessary sanada or purjī, and send the expenses for 24 years from the year [VS 19]42 to the year [VS 19]65 for the Rudrī recitation, amounting to morus (i.e. mohararupaiyā̃s): 561rūpaiyās 2 sukās 2 ānās 2 paisās to the priest (paṇḍā)."

Upon receiving this document, send back a receipt to our office.

On the ... day7 of Pauṣa in the [Vikrama] era year [19]88 (1931 CE).



This document, a purjī from the Pāhāḍa Bandobasta Birtā Phā̃ṭa to the Guṭhī Bandobasta Aḍḍa of Śrī 5 Sarkāra, offers insight into ritual and the state religion during the Rāṇā regime in early-20th-century Nepal. Dated VS 1988 (1931 CE), it underscores the intersection of religious obligations, royal authority and administrative structures within the Nepali state.

The Rāmeśvara temple mentioned in the document is situated on Rameswaram Island in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. Rāmeśvaram is one of the Cāra Dhāmas, four prominent Hindu pilgrimage sites in India, the others being Jagannātha in Odisha, Dvārakā in Gujarat and Badrinātha in Uttarakhand. The temple is dedicated to Ramanathaswamy (Śiva) in the form of a liṅgam. According to tradition, two liṅgams reside within the sanctum: one crafted by Lord Rāma from sand, known as the Rāmaliṅgam, and the other brought by Hanumān from Kailash, called the Viśvaliṅgam. Hindus traditionally believe that a pilgrimage to any of the Cāra Dhāmas is a highly meritorious religious act, and many try to visit at least one site during their lifetime. This belief has led many Nepalese to embark on such pilgrimages.

The purjī concerns a guṭhī founded by Queen Trailokya Rājya Lakṣmī Devī and Prime Minister Raṇa Udīpa Sīṃha Rāṇā in the 19th century, both significant figures in Nepal’s political and religious landscape. The guṭhī system, a form of land trust in Nepal, was integral to the support of religious and charitable activities. In this instance, the guṭhī was established to ensure the daily recitation of the Rudrī (a Vedic hymn dedicated to Śiva) at the Rāmeśvara temple (dhāma), highlighting the significance of royal patronage in sustaining religious practices.

The mention of a saṃkalpa (ritual declaration) testifies to the ritual’s importance. Support of the daily recitation of the Rudrī reflects the religious devotion of Rāṇā rulers. In addition, the appointment of Nepalese Brahmin priests (paṇḍās) to perform religious duties in a South Indian temple, coupled with (as stated elsewhere in the sanada mentioned in the document) the establishment of a new guṭhī assigned land in Nepal’s Bārā district to maintain this religious tradition, reveals the close cultural and religious ties between Nepal and India.

The document also provides insight into the bureaucratic processes involved in managing royal endowments. The Pāhāḍa Bandobasta Birtā Phā̃ṭa, responsible for overseeing state land and resources allocated as birtā land grants, instructs the Guṭhī Bandobasta to issue the necessary financial disbursements for the guṭhī. The request to inspect the revenue ledger (śrestā) of the māla (revenue office) demonstrates a systematic approach to fiscal accountability, integrating religious endowments within the state's financial management.

The explicit order to calculate and dispatch the expenses for the Rudrī recitation over a 24-year period, from VS 1942 to 1965 (1885–1908 CE), amounting to 561 rūpaiyās, illustrates the long-standing obligations of the guṭhī and the detailed accounting practices governing such transactions. The reference to a calānī (dispatch letter) and the requirement of a receipt is typical of the formal and bureaucratic nature of these communications.

This document serves as evidence of the vital role guṭhīs played in maintaining religious practices in Nepal, and of how well they were integrated into the broader socio-political and economic structures of the state. The involvement of the prime minister underscores the personal investment of the Rāṇā rulers in religious patronage, while also illustrating the use of religious institutions as a means of consolidating political power.


1. These numerals by a second hand were probably added when documents were either sorted or, more likely, when they were microfilmed. []

2. The queen and Raṇa Udīpa Sīṃha Rāṇā visited Rāmeśvara Dhāma in VS 1937 (1880 CE). The date is provided in another document, K_0360_0004 (first image). Surendra Vikrama Śāha was the king at that time; therefore, one of his three queens—Sūra Rājya Lakṣmī Devī, Trailokya Rājya Lakṣmī Devī or Deva Rājya Lakṣmī Devī—must be the valīhad mahārānī referred to in this document, the most likely one being Trailokya Rājya Lakṣmī Devī, the mother of Crown Prince Trailokya. The document K_0360_0004 clearly mentions that a queen visited Rāmeśvara Dhāma together with Raṇa Udīpa Sīṃha Rāṇā. In the document, the word valīhad is written as valī ahad multiple times. It is quite likely that the term valīhad or valī ahad in these documents was used to distinguish Trailokya Rājya Lakṣmī Devī, the mother of Crown Prince Trailokya, from the other two queens. []

3. Land in Bārā district measuring 7 bighās 3 kaṭṭhās 1 dhura was allocated for the guṭhī (Source: K_0360_0004, image no. K_0360_0033). []

4. This information is provided based on another document, K_0360_0004, image no. K_0360_0033, which is related to the same matter. []

5. Rudrī is an abbreviated designation for the text Rudrāṣṭādhyāyī or Śuklayajurvedīya Rudrāṣṭādhyāyī. The title Rudrāṣṭādhyāyī derives from the prominence of its first eight chapters, which are considered particularly significant. A full recitation of the Rudrī involves chanting all chapters of the text in a single cycle. []

6. The sanada was microfilmed as K_0360_0004 by the NGMPP. []

7. The spaces for the day of the week and the day of the month have been left blank in the document. []