A rukkā from King Rājendra Vikrama Śāha to Priest Pratāpanātha Jogī re to conduct rituals at Phalāvāṅ's Ratnanātha (VS 1884)

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Identifier: K_0636_0013
Title: A rukkā from King Rājendra Vikrama Śāha to Priest Pratāpanātha Jogī re to conduct rituals at Phalāvāṅ's Ratnanātha (VS 1884)
Type, original: rukkā (a short royal note); copy


Abstract: This rukkā of King Rājendra Vikrama Śāha issues an order to conduct daily and casual rituals of the deity with the custom which has prevailed from older times out of the produce from the land and customary fees. As mentioned in the document, he shall not be dismissed as long as he performs the duties assigned.
Issued by and to: King Rājendra Vikrama Śāha; Priest Pratāpanātha Jogī
Place: Palāwāṅ (Dāṅ, Sallyān); Ratananātha
Donor, king: King Rājendra Vikrama Śāha; king
Type of endowment:
Region of endowment:
Purpose of endowment:
Amount of endowment:


Date: VS 1884 Kārttika dark 13 Thursday
Further details:

Script and language

Language, script: Nepali; Devanagari

Physical appearance

Width, height, and unit: 21; 17; cm
No. of folios:
Material, binding, and colour: photocopy; unspecified; unspecified
Condition: fair; complete


Institution and reg. no.: Bhadrakālī; card no. 5
Source and details: NGMPP catalogue card; Microfilmed on 18/05/1998 as NGMPP K 636/13
Running no., exposures: K 42523; 1

Project specific information

Created, modified, ID: 8/27/19, 12:00 AM; 12/28/21, 7:05 AM; 18
Notes: card defines material as: "Photocopy"
Technical terms:

Associated secondary literature

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