A stone slab inscription at Seto Gaṇeśa Guṭhī Capāḥchẽ in Lalitpur re the construction of a three-bay phalcā and the installation of three idols by Lalita Siṃha Bhāro (NS 877)

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Identifier: NHDP_0001_0136
Title: A stone slab inscription at Seto Gaṇeśa Guṭhī Capāḥchẽ in Lalitpur re the construction of a three-bay phalcā and the installation of three idols by Lalita Siṃha Bhāro (NS 877)
Type, original: Inscription; Original



This inscription records the construction of a three-bay phalcā at Seto Gaṇeśa Guṭhī Capāḥchẽ and installation of 3 statues there.

Issued by and to:
Donor, king:
Type of endowment:
Region of endowment:
Purpose of endowment:
Amount of endowment:


Date: NS 877 Caitra (Caita) Dark fortnight 11 Thursday
Further details:
Converted: 1757

Script and language

Language, script: Hybrid-Sanskrit,Newari; Newari

Physical appearance

Width, height, and unit: 23.3; 35; cm
No. of folios:
Material, binding, and colour: Stone ; unspecified; unspecified
Condition: Intact; The idol of Nārāyaṇa and images of Candra and Sūrya flanking him are covered with vermillion powder.; Complete


Institution and reg. no.: Seto Gaṇeśa Guṭhī Capāḥchẽ, west of Seto Gaṇeśa Mandira in Om Bāhāḥ Lāchi, Lalitpur; 85.32779334854649,27.675956075973158; unspecified
Source and details: DOI of image(s): https://doi.org/10.11588/heidicon/1259011; Photographed by NHDP as: LAL4163_I_001
Running no., exposures: 1

Project specific information

Created, modified, ID: 4/16/21, 12:00 AM; 9/6/21, 8:26 AM; 18

DANAM catalogue entry: 82bc73ec-a32a-447d-819e-1366482b3e4b

Type of writing support: Stone slab; The stone slab is attached to a wall.

Text legibility: Unspecified;

Technical terms:

Associated secondary literature

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