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A report from Candraśekhara Upādhyāya to Bhīmsena Thāpā and Raṇadhvaja Thāpā re the British military activities

ID: DNA_0002_0054

Edited and translated by Manik Bajracharya, Simon Cubelic and Rajan Khatiwoda in collaboration with Yogesh Budathoki
Created: 2019-05-13; Last modified: 2023-12-21
For the metadata of the document, click here

Published by Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Documents on the History of Religion and Law of Pre-modern Nepal, Heidelberg, Germany, 2023. Published by the courtesy of the National Archives, Kathmandu. The copyright of the facsimile remains with the Nepal Rashtriya Abhilekhalaya (National Archives, Government of Nepal). All use of the digital facsimiles requires prior written permission by the copyright holder. See Terms of Use.
The accompanying edition, translation/synopsis and/or commentary are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License CCby-SA.


This is a letter written by Candraśekhara Upādhyāya to General Bhīmsena Thāpā and Kāji Raṇadhvaja Thāpā reporting on military arrangements being made by the British and related matters.

Diplomatic edition



2जनरलभीमसेनथापामहाशयेषु तथा श्रीश्रीश्रीकाजिरणध्वजथापायोग्यतमेषु इत: शुभेछु चंद्रशेखर
3उपाध्यायस्य शुभाशीर्वादपूर्वकं पत्रं कृपाले­ञाहा­आनन्द­छ­ताँहाँको­आनन्द­मंगल­सर्वदा­चाहिये­आ



Number 1711

Hail! A letter from Candraśekhara Upādhyāya with auspicious blessings to the thrice venerable General Bhīmasena Thāpā, the magnanimous one who is adorned with a row of good qualities—the worthiness [to be an object] of all [exalted] similes and the like, heroism, generosity, compassion, skilfulness and the like—and who is able to shoulder royal duties; and to KājīRaṇadhvaja Thāpā, the best among the capable.

By [your] grace, [the mood] is [one of] joy here. Joy and good fortune there [where you are] are always required.

Āge: The tidings here are fine. Uprānta: The letter dispatched from there on Tuesday, the 12th of the dark fortnight of Āṣāḍha reached here on the 1st of the dark fortnight of Śrāvaṇa. I read it and understood the letter's meaning.

Regarding your order: “Since [where you are] is an administrative centre (sadara), the news from various places reaches there. [Therefore,] keep writing whatever you hear or [the news] as it happens,” I dispatched a letter to you on the 14th of the dark fortnight of Āṣāḍha reporting as I have heard here: Baji Rao's (text: Bāje Rāva) people returned from the higher ground, and he sent his men and [had them] bring the king of Nagpur to his place.2 This must have reached and been communicated to you. The cause of their returning from higher ground (upon enquiring with 1 or 2 of his own people here) is understood to be a dispute with his people there. [My sources told me:] "These people do not talk as if they are pleased with that place nowadays. They talk as if only his territory is great and as if ants are dragging a giant animal. They are not strong, however, in iron (i.e., weaponry?). In comparison to his, [the soldiers] of your country are much stronger." Having made this point and having enquired about the battles of Makvān[pur] [and] Māḍi and the mukhtiyāra (text: mukhtāra) there (i.e., Bhīmasena Thāpā), they praise [the soldiers?] there, saying: "The [Nepalese] colonel (text: karnela) whom we have heard of, is a capable sardāra.3 They mention that General (text: jarnela) Ochterlony (text: Akhtaralonī), too, used to praise him and that battle [of Makwanpur], and [they semselves] praise [the state of affairs] there." As for me, as far as my knowledge allows, I talk to them in such a way that the master's (i.e., the king's?) standing, yours, and others' [there] remains high.

The news of the [king of] Nagpur’s purposes being close to Baji Rao[’s], as reported earlier, is still the same. The tidings have not changed. The news about Baji Rao is the same as well. Some people say that this Rao has sent a message proposing a positive relationship (salūka). Others say that he does not agree. It is not clear.

Regarding what I had informed you earlier about the shipment of cargo to the island called Java, [I discovered], upon enquiring with 1 or 2 sources, that there is another island called Kolaṃgā next to it. They (i.e., the British) have been trying to attack there this year. That was the very reason for dispatching the cargo [there]. It is heard that 1 platoon of white soldiers and 2 platoons of native (text: kālā, "black") soldiers have been dispatched on ships, and that 4 or 5 platoons will additionally be sent from Bombay. It is not yet clear whether this effort is being made to [invade] Kolaṃgā itself or, since their enmity with Yemadigvartti has not ended, a joint force, dispatched partly from here (i.e., Calcutta) and partly from Bombay, is marching towards Yemadigvartti. I will report to you once it becomes clear and as it is heard.

Furthermore (bāki, "remaining [news]"), the news—of Lord (text: lāṭha) Sāhaba's departure from Gorakhpur, arrival at Patna, and departure from there—must be known to you through Devariṣi Pādhyā. He did not disembark at all en route from Gorakhpur to here (i.e., Calcutta), nor did he meet any jimīdāra, head umarāva (mīra umarāva), navāba etc. He arrived [here] quickly. [One] prahara before the day ended on Wednesday, the 5th of the dark fortnight of Śrāvaṇa, he arrived near Cā̃k Bajāra and ...4 . Having stayed there overnight, he entered the Great Chamber (baḍā kamarā) of Calcutta when the 5th prahara of the day passed on Thursday, the 10th [solar day] of Śrāvaṇa. On that occasion, cannon and gun salutes were performed at the fort. Tidings will be reported [to you] as soon as [I] get to meet him. These days I hear some people saying that a person will arrive in a few days to replace him (i.e., Lord Sāhaba) and that he will leave. Others say that neither is anyone coming to replace him, nor that he will leave. I will write to you after I know the facts.

Moreover, I have already reported to you regarding Bhaktavīra and others' arrival here from Palpa for trading. Having bought all the items needed from here, they loaded [these] and other things on board and were ready to depart on the 5th of the dark fortnight of Śrāvaṇa. [At that moment,] a letter from the Colonel (Bakhtāvara?) came with the instruction to bring papaya and [other] fruit seedlings of fine quality, if available. Since it was inconvenient to search for them in the Company gardens due to the crowd formed upon arrival of Lord Sāhaba, and considering that all sorts of plants are available also in Bālānagara and that they could get them there, they left the same day from here for Bālānagara by ship together with rajāhā̃5 . There, there are all the plants that are available here such as nutmeg, cloves, coconut and betel nut. They are getting them [there]. They will depart from Bālānagara in 1 or 2 days. They are worried that [you] will be angry for their being late. There will be a delay of 2 or 3 days in Mursidabad (text: Mursudābāda). They were saying that they would proceed as soon as possible. They will doubtless write you once they reach Ajīmāvāda6

What more to say to [you,] foremost among the knowledgeable? Saturday, the 8th of the bright fortnight of Śrāvaṇa.


The year of issuance is not mentioned in the document. The British dispatched troops to Java, which fell to them in 18117 . For the invasion of Java, see


1. An addition by a second hand in the original, representing the manuscript number assigned by the National Archives Nepal. []

2. The king of Nagpur mentioned here is Mudhoji II Bhonsle, aka Appa Sahib (r. 1816-18). He joined Baji Rao to fight against the British during the Third Anglo-Maratha War. The British dethroned Bhonsle in 1818 (see []

3. The sardāra referred to here is probably Bakhtāvara Siṃha Thāpa who commanded the Gorkhali army at Makwanpur Gadhi during the Anglo-Nepalese War . []

4. The meaning at the end of the sentence is unclear. []

5. The meaning of this word is unclear. []

6. This place has not been identified. There is a city called Azimabad to the south-west of Patna, but it is not along the route the group would have taken. []