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A copy of a royal order appointing Sīu Narasīṃ as a ḍiṭṭhā to oversee the management of Patan's Matsyendranātha Guṭhīs (VS 1863)

ID: RRC_0005_0159

Edited and translated by Manik Bajracharya in collaboration with Pabitra Bajracharya
Created: 2021-01-06; Last modified: 2023-08-23
For the metadata of the document, click here

Published by Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Documents on the History of Religion and Law of Pre-modern Nepal, Heidelberg, Germany, 2023. Published by the courtesy of the National Archives, Kathmandu. The copyright of the facsimile remains with the Nepal Rashtriya Abhilekhalaya (National Archives, Government of Nepal). All use of the digital facsimiles requires prior written permission by the copyright holder. See Terms of Use.
The accompanying edition, translation/synopsis and/or commentary are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License CCby-SA.


The document of which this is a copy appoints Sīu Narasīṃ as ḍiṭṭhā and entrusts him with continuing to carry out all the activities of Patan’s Matsyendranātha guṭhīs that had been carried out by biseṭs up till then. There is another copy of this document available in the NGMPP microfilms under the identification K_0343_0005.

Diplomatic edition




1आगे­सीउ­नरसींके­पाटं­1 श्री­मत्छेन्द्रनाथको­2 गुठका­3 डीठ्ठा­4
2वसेट्‌हरूलाईविसेट्‌हरूलाई­5 ∙थीतीवीतीको­मोहर­गरीवक्स्य़ाको­हो­∙तीनीहरू
4मान­6 ∙तलाई­वक्स्य़ौं­∙परापुर्वदेखी­7 चलीआय़ाको­¯¯¯कामकाज­
6चलाई­8 ∙परापुर्वका­रिती­वमोजिम­∙झारा­वेठ­वेगारी­माफ­गरी



Sunday, the 12th of the dark fortnight of the month of Mārga [in the year VS 1863 (1806 CE)].

No. 359

Āge: To Sīu Narasīṃ.

[We earlier] issued a mohara to the ḍiṭṭhābiseṭs of the guṭhas of the glorious Matsyendranātha (text: Matchendranātha) of Patan, granting [them] overseership of the affairs [relating to the deity]. Since they have mismanaged the property of Śrī (i.e., Matsyendranātha), we have granted you a ḍiṭṭha's honour (īmāna) in their stead. Carry out the work [relating to Matsyendranātha]10 that has traditionally been done; receive and you yourself enjoy the customary fees (daidastura) [that come with] a ḍiṭṭhā's honour. For your work relating to [Matsyendranātha], we have, following tradition, exempted you from [the compulsory labour obligations of] jhārā, beṭha and begārī. The date is valid.


The royal order of which this is a copy instates a certain Sīu Narasīṃ to the post of ḍiṭṭhā in service to Matsyendranātha (Buṅgadyaḥ). As with most documents in RRC volumes, the copyist missed out the praśasti of the king and the year of issuing. Page 98 of the current RRC volume 5 reveals that the original document was being kept in a bundle numbered 5 and with a register number 23 among a batch of documents issued in VS 1863. We can, therefore, conclude that the issuing king was Gīrvāṇayuddha Vikrama Śāha (r. 1799–1816 CE).

The document refers to an earlier mohara issued to biseṭs without mentioning any names and the date of issue. This mohara is probably the document K_0341_0018, which appointed three former biseṭs from traditional biseṭ families to the rank of ḍiṭṭhā in service to the deity in Bhādra VS 1862, fifteen months before the current document.

The newly appointed Sīu Narasīṃ is made a ḍiṭṭhā at the same time others were removed from their post, that of ḍiṭṭhā biseṭ. Therefore, it may be inferred that Sīu Narasīṃ did not come from a family of traditional biseṭs, and this latter position was being replaced by a state-chosen one, that of a ḍiṭṭhā. It is uncertain, however, whether the current document is the first such appointment. DNA_0014_0106, another document, dated VS 1895 (1839 CE), reveals that biseṭs remained associated with the Matsyendranātha guṭhī, but that they had no real authority, ḍiṭṭhās handling all affairs.

For an earlier translation of this document, see M.C. Regmi 1974: 129. Another copy of this document can be found in the NGMPP microfilm under the identification K_0343_0005.


1. K_0343_0005 पाटंका []

2. K_0343_0005 मछीन्द्रनाथका []

3. K_0343_0005 गुठ्‌का []

4. K_0343_0005 डीठा []

5. K_0343_0005 वेसटहरूलाई []

6. K_0343_0005 इमा []

7. K_0343_0005 परापुर्वदेषी []

8. K_0343_0005 replaces को कामकाज चलाई with का डीठाहरूलाई []

9. This refers to the document number within the bundle from which it was copied. []

10. There is a blank space meant to be filled in with the name of the deity, written in the space above the main text in the original. However, this name is omitted in the copy. []