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A votive inscription by Jaṅga Bahādura Rāṇā recording his donation of the present pinnacle for the Buṅgadyaḥ chariot (ŚS 1772)

ID: NHDP_0001_0141

Edited and translated by Simon Cubelic in collaboration with Rajan Khatiwoda
Created: ; Last modified: 2022-11-23
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Published by Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Documents on the History of Religion and Law of Pre-modern Nepal, Heidelberg, Germany, 2022. The image(s) on which this edition is based on is/are published under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (CC BY-SA 4.0) and the copyright lies with NHDP. All use of the digital facsimiles requires prior written permission by the copyright holder. See Terms of Use.
The accompanying edition, translation/synopsis and/or commentary are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License CCby-SA.


This votive inscription by Jaṅga Bahādura Jaṅga records his donation of a silver pinnacle to be placed at the top of the Buṅgadyaḥ chariot. It consists of a Sanskrit part and its Nepali translation.

Diplomatic edition


1[?]1 स्तिश्री [?]लिके प्रमिते [?]न[?]सिते पक्षे चतुर्द[?] गुरुवास[?]
2[?]त्तरभाद्रन[?][?]योगे एतादृशगुणयुक्ते ऽस्मिन् [?] कुँवरकुलभूषणे [?]र नाम्ना स[?]
3[?]न • मया •ल[?]नस्थाय• मत्सेन्द्रनाथाय रथाय रजतनिर्मितो ऽयं चूडा[?]रर्पितम्अत­
4रं­देशभाषा­स्व[?]­[?]­[?]के­१७७२­साल­मिति­वैशाख­वदि­2 १४­रोज­५का­दिन­स्वस्ति­श्री[?]जकुमारात्मज­[?]­



Hail! On Thursday, on the 14th day of the bright fortnight in the nakṣatra of Uttara Bhādra in the [...] yoga in the Nepāla era [year ...], on a day of such merit, I, an ornament of the Kũvara family, [Jaṅga Bahādūra Kũvara] by name, offered this pinnacle (lit. "crest jewel") made of silver for the chariot of Matsyendranātha, who resides in [Lalitapāṭana]. Further, in the language of the country: Hail! On Thursday, the 14th of the bright fortnight of Vaiśākha in the Śāka era year 1772—hail!—I, a venerable prince born of a prince, the venerable Prime Minister and Commander-in-Chief General Jaṅga Bahādūra Kũvara Rāṇā-jī, out of love for Matsyendranātha, offered this pinnacle made of silver [to be placed] at the top [of the chariot] of Matsyendranātha [when] dwelling in Patan. The person who enters [to act] out of greed and sin towards this crest-jewel will incur [the punishment for] the five great sins (pañcamahāpātaka).


This is the earliest of three votive inscriptions by members of the Rāṇā family found on the pinnacle (Nev. cunāmvaḥ) of the Buṅgadyaḥ chariot, the other two being NHDP_0001_0142 and NHDP_0001_0143. The inscription is documented by NHDP as LAL0041_I_010, and the object as LAL0001-023 under LAL0001.


1. Here and in the folllowing, the reason for supplied text and lacunae are in most cases not damage to the text, but rather surface elements of the object and dirt covering part of the text that show up on the digital images this edition is based on. []

2. This correction is based on the date in the Sanskrit part, which reads site pakṣe and the date conversion on the website []