Details for Charles Metcalfe

NameCharles Metcalfe
Notesalso known as: Maṭakalap Sāheba, Meṭakalapha;

born: 30 January 1785;

died: 5 September 1846;

gender: male;


a British colonial administrator;

posted as Governor of the Presidency of Agra in 1834, followed by serving as the acting Governor-General of Bengal between 1835 and 1836;

normdata: wiki:Charles_Metcalfe,_1st_Baron_Metcalfe, viaf:67265990, gnd:118990268. #checked#

Name XML file Year reliable?
Charles Metcalfe DNA_0002_0022 [1836] yes
Charles Metcalfe DNA_0002_0044 1835 (VS 1891) yes
Metcalfe DNA_0002_0066 (n) 1825 (VS 1882) yes
Meṭakalapha DNA_0002_0044 1835 (VS 1891) yes
मटकलप्‌ साहेवलाई DNA_0002_0022 [1836] yes
मेटकलफ DNA_0002_0044 1835 (VS 1891) yes