Details for James VI and I

NameJames VI and I
Notesborn: 19 June 1566 in Edinburgh;

died: 27 March 1625 in Theobalds House;

gender: male;

father: Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley;

mother: Mary, Queen of Scots;

spouse: Anne of Denmark;

children: Charles I of England, Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia, Mary Stuart;


King of England (r. 24 March 1603– 27 March 1625);

held the title of monarch of Scotland (8 February 1587 – 27 March 1625), monarch of Ireland (24 March 1603 - 27 March 1625);


normdata: gnd:118639889, viaf:88905668, wiki:James_VI_and_I, wikidata:Q79972.


Name XML file Year reliable?
James the First B_0239_0003 [ca. 1825] yes
पहिला जम्स् B_0239_0003 [ca. 1825] yes