Details for Chāṃmbā Khunu

NameChāṃmbā Khunu
Notesflourished: CE 1899 (VS 1955);

gender: male;


lived in Sāmāgāũ;

held the title of jimmāvāla;

held the title of subbā;


Name XML file Year reliable?
Chāmbā L_1200_0025 1903 (VS 1960) yes
Chāmbāṃ Khunu L_1200_0010 1899 (VS 1955) yes
Chāṃmbā Khunu L_1200_0010 1899 (VS 1955) yes
Subbā Chāmbā Khunu L_1200_0025 1903 (VS 1960) yes
छांम्वा षुनुसंग L_1200_0010 1899 (VS 1955) yes
छाम्वां षुनु L_1200_0010 1899 (VS 1955) yes
छाम्‌‌वा L_1200_0025 1903 (VS 1960) yes
छाम्‌‌वा षुनुको L_1200_0025 1903 (VS 1960) yes