Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3445 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0016_0017 A document re jāgiradāras' landownership rights over pākho lands converted into kheta (VS 1951) 1951 VS
RRC_0016_0018 A document re abolition of jāgira lands in Doti Achham (VS 1975) 1975 VS
RRC_0016_0019 A document assigning jāgira lands to Kumhales (VS 1974) 1974 VS
RRC_0016_0020 A document re report on jāgira land assignments (VS 1972) 1972 VS
RRC_0016_0021 A document re jāgira land assignments to Raṇa Śāha Dala Company (VS 1970) 1970 VS
RRC_0016_0022 A document listing birtā and guṭhī land confiscated in 1806 AD unspecified unspecified
RRC_0016_0023 A document re jāgira land assignments to land surveyors unspecified unspecified
RRC_0016_0024 A document re reassignment of jāgira lands unspecified unspecified
RRC_0016_0025 A document re monthly cash salaries of Śrīnātha Kampu (VS 1966) 1966 VS
RRC_0016_0026 A document re monthly cash salaries of Rājadala Kampu (VS 1966) 1966 VS
RRC_0016_0027 A document re monthly cash salaries of military personnel in Chisapani (VS 1967) 1967 VS
RRC_0016_0028 A document re monthly cash salaries of Śrīnātha Kampu (VS 1967) 1967 VS
RRC_0016_0029 A document re abolition of jāgira lands of civil employees (VS 1967) 1967 VS
RRC_0016_0030 A document re monthly cash salaries of army (VS 1967) 1967 VS
RRC_0016_0031 A document re loans due from persons killed or exiled during kot massacre unspecified unspecified
RRC_0016_0032 A document re revenue and expenditure of the government of Nepal (VS 1913) 1913 VS
RRC_0016_0033 A document re register of land assignments and jagera lands (VS 1909) 1909 VS
RRC_0016_0034 A document re revenue and expenditure of the government of Nepal (VS 1909) 1909 VS
RRC_0016_0035 A document re revenue and expenditure of the government of Nepal (VS 1919) 1919 VS
RRC_0016_0036 A document re birtā granted to Begum Hazrat Mahal (VS 1918) 1918 VS
Displaying page 3445 of 4117; total number of records: 82336