Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3448 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0016_0077 A document re regulations on jāgira land assignments (VS 1961) 1961 VS
RRC_0016_0078 A document re replacement of jāgira land assignments by cash salaries (VS 1985) 1985 VS
RRC_0016_0079 A document re land assignment in Pallokirāta for ferry services (VS 1941) 1941 VS
RRC_0016_0080 A document re replacement of jāgira land assignments by cash salaries unspecified unspecified
RRC_0016_0081 A document prohibiting to include income from the newly reclaimed plots in jāgira assignments (VS 1970) 1970 VS
RRC_0016_0082 A document re replacement of jāgira land assignments by cash salaries (VS 1968) 1968 VS
RRC_0016_0083 A document re hides or skins contract in Mahottari (VS 1983) 1983 VS
RRC_0016_0084 A document confirming petiyā land of the chief of Garhunkot (VS 1983) 1910 VS
RRC_0016_0085 A document ordering the chief of Garhunkot to study English, administer the Rājya etc. (VS 1910) 1910 VS
RRC_0016_0086 A document re petiyā land grant to the chief of Garhunkot unspecified unspecified
RRC_0016_0087 A document re commutation rates of jāgira land assignments (VS 1958) 1958 VS
RRC_0016_0088 A document re compilation of lists of families of soldiers killed in war (VS 1975) 1975 VS
RRC_0016_0089 A document re jāgira land of Nain Siṃha Thāpā (VS 1896) 1986 VS
RRC_0016_0090 A document re apportionment of darśanabheta and other tax revenue (VS 1966) 1966 VS
RRC_0016_0091 A document re replacement of jāgira assignment in Majhakīrāta with cash salary (VS 1980) 1980 VS
RRC_0016_0092 A document re calculation of jāgira income for replacement by cash salary (VS 1983) 1983 VS
RRC_0016_0093 A document re remission of taxes on villages on Nepal Tibet border depopulated by plague (VS 1945) 1945 VS
RRC_0016_0094 A document re cotton cultivation in Devitar (VS 1965) 1965 VS
RRC_0016_0095 A document re appointment of majhāra of Gaine community (VS 1965) 1965 VS
RRC_0016_0096 A document re replacement of jāgira land assignment by cash salaries in Pyuthan (VS 1963) 1963 VS
Displaying page 3448 of 4117; total number of records: 82336