Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3446 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0016_0037 A document re proceeds of 33 0.000000e+00vy on birtā, jāgira and guṭhī revenues in Tarai unspecified unspecified
RRC_0016_0038 A document re revenue and expenditure of the government of Nepal (VS 1911) 1911 VS
RRC_0016_0039 A document re coins used in Nepal (VS 1915) 1915 VS
RRC_0016_0040 A document re revenue from Naya Muluka (VS 1917) 1917 VS
RRC_0016_0041 A document re registration of land assignments and jagera lands (VS 1909) 1909 VS
RRC_0016_0042 A document re revenue and expenditure of the government of Nepal (VS 1918) 1918 VS
RRC_0016_0043 A document re revenue and expenditure of the government of Nepal (VS 1917) 1917 VS
RRC_0016_0044 A document re civil, military, local employees and functionaries and their salaries and land assignments (VS 1917) 1917 VS
RRC_0016_0045 A document re royal establishment unspecified unspecified
RRC_0016_0046 A document re proceeds of miscellaneous taxes levied after 1846 AD (VS 1904) 1904 VS
RRC_0016_0047 A document re registration of land assignments and jagera lands (VS 1909) 1909 VS
RRC_0016_0048 A document re registration of halabaṇḍi manācāvala lands in Western Hill region (VS 1913) 1913 VS
RRC_0016_0049 A document re proceeds of darśanabheta and other taxes (VS 1916) 1916 VS
RRC_0016_0050 A document re charges levied by the court employees 1996 VS
RRC_0016_0051 A document re jāgira land assignments to Raṇa Bhīma Company in Doti (VS 1973) 1973 VS
RRC_0016_0052 A document re excerpts from khānagī dhadda records unspecified unspecified
RRC_0016_0053 A document re cash salaries of Śrīnātha Kampu and other military personnel unspecified unspecified
RRC_0016_0054 A document recording complaint re Col. Kirti Rāja's jāgira in Doti unspecified unspecified
RRC_0016_0055 A document re salaries and jāgira assignments of miscellaneous army and other employees unspecified unspecified
RRC_0016_0056 A document re bhaṭṭa and petiyā allowances unspecified unspecified
Displaying page 3446 of 4117; total number of records: 82336