Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3464 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0019_0057 A copy of document re Rājaputa-s living on raikara lands restoring their confiscated properties etc. (VS 1857) 1857 VS
RRC_0019_0058A A copy of document granting Subuddhi 10-year ijārā for two maujā-s in Rautahaṭa (VS 1857) 1857 VS
RRC_0019_0058B A copy of document re poṭā grant and extemption of different levies (VS 1857) 1857 VS
RRC_0019_0059 A copy of document granting amānata assignment to Dharma Rāī and Rāmu Rāi (VS 1857) 1857 VS
RRC_0019_0060 A copy of document re birtā land of Cintāmaṇi and Rāma Barala sequestered until payment of fine (VS 1861) 1861 VS
RRC_0019_0061 A copy of document restoring Ramju Māske et al. to the position of tharaghara (VS 1861) 1861 VS
RRC_0019_0062 A copy of document restoring Ajap Siṃha Bhadel et al. to the position of tharaghara (VS 1861) 1861 VS
RRC_0019_0063 A copy of document re tharaghara deputed to scrutinize land grants and assignments in Bhaktapur (VS 1861) 1861 VS
RRC_0019_0064 A copy of document re tharaghara deputed to scrutinize land grants and assignments in Kathmandu (VS 1861) 1861 VS
RRC_0019_0065 A copy of document re additional regulations in the name of Gajya Khavāsa and Tharaṭhoka of Patan (VS 1861) 1861 VS
RRC_0019_0066 A copy of document re regulations from the tharathoka on scrutiny of land grants and assignments in Kathmandu (VS 1857) 1857 VS
RRC_0019_0067 A copy of document re regulations from tharathoka-s on scrutiny of land grants in Kathmandu (VS 1861) 1861 VS
RRC_0019_0068 A copy of document re regulations from the tharathoka on scrutiny of land grants in Kathmandu (VS 1861) 1861 VS
RRC_0019_0069 A copy of document re miscellaneous birtā grants and imposition of levies in Western Nepal (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0019_0070 A copy of document re subedāra deputed to scrutinize potā tax assessments in Patan and collect arrears (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0019_0071 A copy of document re regulations from Hindu subedāra on potā tax assessments (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0019_0072 A copy of document re punishment of a slave committing adultery with a Magar girl in Dhādiṅ (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0019_0073 A copy of document re confirmation of fee charged by surveyors (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0019_0074 A copy of document re Subedāra Balyā and Bāga Siṃha deputed to scrutinize revenue assessments etc. in Majhkirāta (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0019_0075 A copy of document deputing Subedāra Balyā and Bāga Siṃha to scrutinize revenue assessments etc. between Aruna and Kanakā (VS 1862) 1862 VS
Displaying page 3464 of 4117; total number of records: 82336