Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3468 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0019_0133 A copy of document granting Bāgh Siṃha Khadkā 3-year ijārā for operation of mines (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0019_0134 A copy of document re abolishment of ijāra in Thāka area etc. (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0019_0135 A copy of document appointing Jamadāra Prasāda Siṃha et al. on monthly salary in Katarban Gadhi (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0019_0136 A copy of document directing caudharī-s et al. in areas between Kośī and Kamalā to represent their grievances (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0019_0137 A copy of document confirming Dinānātha Śāhī as king of Dullu on payment of a certain amount (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0019_0138 A copy of document informing Mādhurī Caudharī re his replacement by Mahīmā Khavāsa (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0019_0139 A copy of document re fines imposed on headmen of Thākṭhenī for disobeying several orders (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0019_0140 A copy of document granting thirty years contract for collection of revenues in Ṭhemī (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0019_0141 A copy of document directing people of Sindhupālcoka to join dārogā for elephant catching operations in Beloda (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0019_0142 A copy of document directing people of 44 villages to join dārogā for elephant catching operations (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0019_0143 A copy of document re salāmī on five maujā-s in Rautahaṭa granted as bekha buniyāda (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0019_0144 A copy of document re bekha buniyāda land grant to Kṛṣṇa Vīra Rāṇā in Jagdar in Saptarī (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0019_0145A A copy of document prohibiting to enslave brahmaṇa-s and Rājputs in the kingdoms (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0019_0145B A copy of document instructing Visaṃvara Kārkī re gādimubārakha tax (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0019_0145C A copy of document instructing Narajīta Sāhī regarding operation of mines (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0019_0146 A copy of document re exemption from hulāka and begāra services to Nevāra-s and Dhāmī-s in Sātasaya (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0019_0147 A copy of document granting kālabañjāra lands in Bārā as bekha buniyāda to Indra Māna Siṃha Khatrī (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0019_0148 A copy of document re birtā grant to princess of Gulmī (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0019_0149 A copy of document re bekha buniyāda granted to Kājī Dāmodara Pāṇḍe (VS 1860) 1860 VS
RRC_0019_0150 A copy of document re ijārā grant to Kṛpā Rāma Nevāra for operating mines in areas between Chepe Marsyāngdi and Bherī (VS 1860) 1860 VS
Displaying page 3468 of 4117; total number of records: 82336