Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 3465 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
RRC_0019_0076 A copy of document directing Lakṣmaṇa to provide funds to ḍaṅgola-s deputed to Majhkirāta and Cainapura (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0019_0077 A copy of document re mijhāra-s of Ārukharka etc. directed to supply snow to Kathmandu (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0019_0078 A copy of document re Bīdharyā Punvā charged with committing injustice and oppression (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0019_0079 A copy of document re officials on inspection tour of Bhaktapur charged with oppression and acting beyond their authority (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0019_0080 A copy of document directing Subedāra Puran Śāhī et al. re exploiting copper deposits in Marmu hills of Ḍoṭī (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0019_0081 A copy of document re judicial regulations for Moraṅ district in the name of Umānidhi Pantha and Jayanta Khatrī (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0019_0082 A copy of document re Viśrāma Khatrī deputed to scrutinize land grants between Chepe Marsyāṅgdī and Bherī (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0019_0083 A copy of document directing headmen of Laṅgura Kholā in Chārkā to transmit 32 tolā-s of gold (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0019_0084 A copy of document ordering devā of Mustaṅg regarding payment for vicārī etc. (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0019_0085 A copy of document re letter to Survira Khatrī and Ranabīra Khatrī and their appointment as subbā-s (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0019_0086 A copy of document granting Bala Khatrī authority to examine state and public guṭhī land endowments in Kathmandu etc. (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0019_0087 A copy of document re additional regulations from Kājī Amara Siṃha Thāpā and other on scrutiny of land grants in Pālpā (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0019_0088 A copy of document re confiscation of birtā lands held by brahmaṇa withour proper authority in Dordor (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0019_0089 A copy of document ordering Subbā Suravira Khatrī re collection of revenue arrears in Pyūṭhāna (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0019_0090A A copy of document instructing Ritīdhvaja and Haridatta Ojhā to proceed to Kumaun (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0019_0090B A copy of document instructing Vijay Siṃha to go to Kumaun and work (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0019_0091 A copy of document re Bakhat Siṃha Basnyāta replaced as passport issuing authority (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0019_0092 A copy of document confirming half of surplus lands discovered in course of survey by Jiva Sāha in Kathmandu (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0019_0093 A copy of document instructing Hindu subedāra to execute confirmation of surplus land discovered in survey (VS 1862) 1862 VS
RRC_0019_0094 A copy of document in name of Najīkī Chīrbīryā Khavāsa re complaints against amālī-s and rakamadāra-s of Bhaktapur (VS 1862) 1862 VS
Displaying page 3465 of 4117; total number of records: 82336