Number of catalogue cards per page:
Displaying page 2 of 4117; total number of records: 82336
Identifier Short title Year Actions
DNA_0001_0002 A bintīpatra from Bālāśaṅkara to Prime Minister Jaṅga Bahādura requesting his monthly payment (VS 1909) 1909 VS
DNA_0001_0003 An arjī from Bālāśaṅkara to the premier requesting the latter's decision (VS 1909) 1909 VS
DNA_0001_0004 An arjī from Bālāśaṅkara to the commander-in-chief (VS 1907) 1907 VS
DNA_0001_0005 An arjī from Raṇadala Pā̃ḍe re the capturing of elephants (VS 1894) 1894 VS
DNA_0001_0006 A bintīpatra from Bālāśaṅkara to King Rājendra (VS 1902) 1902 VS
DNA_0001_0007 A lālamohara from King Pratāpa Siṁha granting a house to Jīvakarṇa Jhā (VS 1832) 1832 VS
DNA_0001_0008 A copy of a letter from Cuni Siṁha to Munsī Lalaka Siṁha Lālā (1246) 1246 unspecified
DNA_0001_0009 An arjī from Bandā Dhanavīra Thāpā re the battle at Nālāpānī (VS 1871) 1871 VS
DNA_0001_0010 An arjī from Raṇadala Pā̃ḍe to King Surendra re the description of elephants captured (VS 1897) 1897 VS
DNA_0001_0011 A letter from Raṇadala Pā̃ḍe re the cultivation of the prince's land (VS 1894) 1894 VS
DNA_0001_0012 An arjī from Harivaṃśa Jaisī re the stationing of prominent persons unspecified unspecified
DNA_0001_0013 A letter from Kṛṣṇānanda Khanḍuḍi et al. to Bhīmasena Thāpā et al. re Nālāpānī (VS 1871) 1871 VS
DNA_0001_0014 A letter from Bhupāla Siṁha Thāpā to Māthavara Siṁha Thāpā unspecified unspecified
DNA_0001_0015 An arjī from General Jagat Śamśera to another general re one Ghā of the Bhutiyā Lāmās (VS 1912) 1912 VS
DNA_0001_0016 A letter from Rudravīra Śāha to Kājī Bīrabhañjana Pā̃ḍe re the war in the west (VS 1872) 1872 VS
DNA_0001_0017 A letter from Gajabala Baniyā to Bhīmasena Thāpā re the war situation at Ramnagara (VS 1872) 1872 VS
DNA_0001_0018 A letter from Cautariyā Bam Śāha to Bhīmasena Thāpā et al. re repairing a fort (VS 1871) 1871 VS
DNA_0001_0019 An arjī from Bam Śāha et al. re the Baḍā Sāheba and people's suffering beyond the Jamunā (VS 1872) 1872 VS
DNA_0001_0020 A letter from Hastadala Śāha to Kājī Ambara Siṁha Thāpā re the war in the west unspecified unspecified
DNA_0001_0021 An arjī from Jasapāu Thāpā re Raṇajit Siṃ's failure to gain victory (VS 1871) 1871 VS
Displaying page 2 of 4117; total number of records: 82336