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A letter from Jīta Jaṅga that formalizes the annual lokābhāra contract for Ruibhoṭ without a pledge of property as collateral (1936 VS)

ID: L_0922_0002

Edited and translated by Rajendra Shakya in collaboration with Rabi Acharya and Nadine Plachta
Created: 2018-08-19; Last modified: 2023-01-24
For the metadata of the document, click here

Published by Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Documents on the History of Religion and Law of Pre-modern Nepal, Heidelberg, Germany, 2018. Published by the courtesy of the National Archives, Kathmandu. The copyright of the facsimile remains with the Nepal Rashtriya Abhilekhalaya (National Archives, Government of Nepal). All use of the digital facsimiles requires prior written permission by the copyright holder. See Terms of Use.
The accompanying edition, translation/synopsis and/or commentary are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License CCby-SA.


This letter from Jīta Jaṅga grants the mukhiyā and jimmāvāla of Ruibhoṭ a lokābhāra contract in the Aṭhāra Saya Kholā region without any pledge of collateral from them, inasmuch as the pertinent land was located in a remote border region.

Diplomatic edition


[Seal of Jīta Jaṅga]

2[?]­पत्रम्­¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯
7साली­लोकाभार­ठेकको­जीम्माव़ाल­∙मुषियाहरुका­नाउमा­¯ ¯ ¯साहेववाट­पट्टा­गरिवक्सदा­
26साल­∙आश्वीन­वदि­१­रोजदेषी­३७­साल­भाद्र­सुदि­१५­रोजतक­वर्ष­१­को­∙सिवाय­¯ ¯ ¯अंक­कल्यानधन­[...]
36भयाको­दाषील­गरि­ठेकमध्ये­मिन्हा­लीनु­∙¯ ¯३¯का­आजापूजा­मामुली­षर्च­जो­छ­साविक्‌­वमोजीम­क
37त्ती­नघटाइ­ठेक­वाहेक्‌­चलाउनु­∙कवुल­वमोजीमका­∙ज्मामा­¯ ¯४¯­पर्‍‍यो­अथवा­जगावाट­उठाउन­सकेनौ­
45नि­यक्‌साला­लोका∙भारको­पट्टा­गरिवक्स्यौं­¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯
46तपसिल­¯¯¯ ¯¯¯
47नगद­मोहररुपैया­¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯२२२­
48इति­संवत्‌‌­१९३६­साल­मिति­माघ­सुदि­११­रोज­१­शुभ्म्­¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯[Seal of Śrī Viṣṇu]



Hail! A letter from Commanding General of the Eastern Front Jīta Jaṅga Bahādura Rāṇā, a prince born of a prince

Āge: To Chiṃju, the mukhiyā of Ruibhoṭ [within the cluster of villages surrounding] Kutāṃbhoṭ within the Aṭhāra Saya Kholā [region]

You made the [following] supplication [to us]:

"[We] have submitted [all] payments and cleared [all] arrears, since the year [VS 19]22 (1865 CE) when, in the name of the jimmāvālas and mukhiyās, … … …1 sāheba formalized the annual lokābhāraṭheka contract, which states:

'The jimmāvālas and mukhiyās shall not sell elsewhere the wax and musk available in their own village. [They shall] collect all [of it] that is available [in the village for delivery to us] and receive a reduction on the ṭheka contract. Deliver [all] articles (jinsī māla) requested [by us] at their current rate in the village. When dispatching those articles, do so through the aḍḍās that were formerly used.'

"When [you] dispatched tahasiladāras and dvāres to the seat of our authority, we had to provide them with food, and with packhorses and porters on the way, and we sustained losses when [some things] including horses tumbled down a cliff. This has been a great burden for us."

We have made [provisions] not to send tahasiladāras and pyādās2 to your seat of authority. Submit whatever is owed in one instalment in the month of Māgha. You will have to pay double if the instalment [payment] crosses [the deadline]. Such is the land[-revenue] monopoly that [we] have made, putting [our] signature to.

On Wednesday, the 7th of the bright fortnight of Māgha in the year [VS 19]36 (1880 CE) [we learned that] there is an [ongoing] case [in which you are petitioning for] a sanada contract that accords with custom, [that is,] without [the requirement] to post a 7-day deadline notice and to put up collateral, since it is land under a lokābhāra [contract]. The following report was submitted to us by the Bandobasta Aḍḍā:

"No property is pledged as collateral [by the local contactors]. As it is a lokābhāra [contract], no deadline notice is posted [publicly] either. Now for the crops of the year [VS 19]37, too, [they] are requesting a sanada lease under the lokābhāra system in accordance with custom (i.e. without having to pledge any property as collateral). In the Ain and savālas, however, it is stated that collateral shall be taken when assigning monopolies for ijārā and lokābhāra land.

"While it is stated that [lokābhāra] land shall not be provided without posting a 7-day notice and without any pledge of property as collateral, it is [precisely] because the land falls under a lokābhāra [contract] that, [they say], the 7-day notice has not [customarily] been posted. It is [also] stated that in cases of any deficit or excess in revenue [from lokābhāra land], it shall be made up by or distributed proportionally to [all ryots]. When property is put up as collateral, the jamānī ānā3 must also be given. Once the jamānī ānā, which has not been imposed before, is levied, [the contractors] will come to complain that a new amount not imposed in the past is now being taken; [they] will say that [they] will not accept [the lokābhāra contract] if it means putting up collateral. It is up to [you] whether or not to offer contracts in the name of the aforementioned mukhiyās and jimmāvālas for lokābhāra monopolies on land [relating] to crops for the year [VS 19]37 (1880 CE), even if it goes against the Ain and savālas.”

We have thus formalized a one-year lokābhāra lease [contract under the following terms]:

As the land is in a remote border [area], in accordance with the Ain and savālas, there is no need to post a 7-day notice of deadline [or] put up collateral. Draw up sanada leases directly in the name of the mukhiyā and in the name of the jimmāvāla of the villages.

In accordance with my acceptance that no arrests shall be made and no fault assigned based on offering land against provision of the Ain and savālas, [we] have made a lokābhāra contract for [land] in Ruibhoṭ village– 14 [beyond] Kutāṃbhoṭ within the Aṭhāra Saya Kholā [region], which has been registered as our khānagī, in [return for] the cash and kind [revenue] mentioned in the tapasila below for the period of 1 year [beginning] from (istaka) the 1st of the dark fortnight of the month of Āśvina in the year VS 1936 (1879 CE) to the 15th of the bright fortnight of the month of Bhādra in the year [VS 19]37 (1880 CE), comprising [the following payments] in cash and kind: ¯ ¯ ¯ [rāja-?]aṅka, kalyānadhana, dharmādhikārapañcakhata, arrearages (rahatā, bahatā, uḍaṃtā, gaḍaṃtā), jhārā levy from the rakamī households, and unregistered customary taxes and levies (rakamakalama), for which there shall be no deductions; there shall be total exemption, however, for the appropriate sermā, sāunephāgu, syāphala5 and sirto [revenue], regularly imposed taxes and levies (rakamakalama) and the like, and, in accordance with the Ain, daṇḍakuṇḍa, maryo-aputālī and cākacakui.

Keep the ryots well disposed by overseeing affairs, founding settlements and making the cultivation of land flourish (ābāda guljāra garī). Collect revenue as listed and managed previously, and submit [the total amount] which you have agreed to pay, in cash and kind, in a single instalment in the month of Māgha of the year [VS 19]37 (1881 CE) through the jimmāvāla. Deliver it to the Tahasila Aḍḍā and obtain a receipt.

In the case where a jimmāvāla mishandles the money matters, [and then] dies or runs away, then you, the mukhiyā and the ryots, shall have to pay from your household property. When [there are orders] in writing for grains or [other] needed items, make the purchase at the current rate in the village, as was done previously. When dispatching such items, do so from the government office (aḍḍā) that was previously used. Do not sell elsewhere the wax and musk available in your village. Deliver all available [wax and musk] [to us] and receive a reduction in [the amount due according to] the ṭheka contract.

Besides [the commitments] under the contract, use [the revenue], without any reduction [to the previous amount] for whatever general expenses there are for the worship of ¯ ¯3¯6 . You shall not receive even a single dāma remitted on the total amount you have agreed to pay in the case where there is ¯ ¯4¯7 or that you fail to collect [what is owed] on [lokābhāra] land. In cases of profit or loss in the lokābhāra contract, proportionally distribute to ryots, or collect from them [the surplus or shortfall]. Follow the rules set by the Ain when collecting revenue and settling lawsuits between ryots. If you do not follow what has been written [in the Ain] by inflating or reducing [figures], taking bribes or [embezzling] salami [payments], and imposing and collecting new levies, overstepping your authority, causing injury and oppression, and so making ryots suffer, and if anyone comes to complain about it and proves [such wrongdoing], then you shall pay in accordance with the Ain.

If you shall fail to deliver the cash and kind amounts that you have agreed to pay in the instalment, you shall be punished in accordance with the Ain: double the amount of cash dues and [due] chattels assessed at the rate in Asana8 shall be taken from household property, and we shall tear up the lokābhāra [contract].

Particulars (tapasila)

mohararupaiyā̃s in cash: 222

Sunday, the 11th of the bright fortnight of Māgha in the [Vikrama] era year 1936 (1880 CE). Auspiciousness.


This letter from Jīta Jaṅga offers land under a lokābhāra contract to the mukhiyās and jimmāvālas of Ruibhoṭ in the Aṭhāra Saya Kholā region without a pledge of collateral from them. This letter overrides a previous state order that prohibits offering land under lokābhāra contracts without any such pledge. However, it also states that such a concession has been made only because the land is located in a remote border region, suggesting that collateral was compulsory for similar contracts in non-remote areas.

The topmost part of the document is missing, having probably been left out during microfilming. This creates problems in fully understanding the content. There are four references left blank for mental insertion in the document: The first is the name of the person who first formalized the annual lokābhāra contract in 1865 under the mukhiyās and jimmāvālas of Ruibhoṭa. This was probably the commanding general of the eastern front. The second reference is in all likelihood ‘Śrī Rāja’, thus yielding ‘rāja-aṅka’, i.e. the levies due to the royal palace. The third reference is a deity that was evidently widely revered by the locals. The fourth reference is unclear, but its presence is used to emphasize that the contractors will not receive any concession in the payment of the contractual amount.


1. The reference made here is unclear. The topmost part of the document, where the name would have appeared, is not visible in the image. See Commentary for details. []

2. A sepoy. []

3. I have not run across this term elsewhere. It appears to be a nominal administrative fee imposed on contractors when putting up collateral. []

4. The number is confusing, but it adds weight to the assumption that Kutāṃbhoṭ is being used in this document as a reference point to define Ruibhoṭ's location. []

5. The term is not clear, but it probably is also a kind of tax. []

6. This reference is again unclear due to the missing topmost part of the document. However, it is clear from the context that reference is being made to a deity. []

7. This is another reference that is not clear due to the missing topmost part. []

8. Asana was and still is one of Kathmandu's main markets. []