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A copy of a rukkā from King Pṛthvī Vīra Vikrama authorizing Khimānātha to serve as abbot of Rānāgāũ monastery (VS 1938)

ID: K_0097_0039

Edited and translated by Christof Zotter
Created: 2019-05-20; Last modified: 2019-12-05
For the metadata of the document, click here

Published by Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Documents on the History of Religion and Law of Pre-modern Nepal, Heidelberg, Germany, 2019. Published by the courtesy of the National Archives, Kathmandu. The copyright of the facsimile remains with the Nepal Rashtriya Abhilekhalaya (National Archives, Government of Nepal). All use of the digital facsimiles requires prior written permission by the copyright holder. See Terms of Use.
The accompanying edition, translation/synopsis and/or commentary are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License CCby-SA.


In the rukkā of which the present document is a copy, the king, who according to the date must have been Pṛthvī Vīra Vikrama, confirms Khimānātha as successor of Jagadīśvaranātha on the gaddī of Siddha Bhagavantanātha's maṭha in Rānāgāũ, Salyan.

Diplomatic edition





[seal of Hīrānātha]


2आगे­महंत­गोसाई­षिमानाथके­¯ ¯ १ ¯ ¯का­मठगद्दी
14को­छैन­भनि­•तिमिले­¯ ¯ २¯ ¯र­श्रीमद्राजकुमारकु
17र्दा­•सो­¯ ¯ १¯ ¯को­मठगद्दी­•तीम्रा­गुरु­जगदीस्वरना
19य़ाको­•तिम्रा­गुरु­जगदीस्वरनाथ­•परलोक ­हुदा­•
24काम­•असुल­•तहसील­गरि­¯ ¯ १¯¯का­मठ्‌गदीमा­
26ढी­नपारि­नित्य­नैमित्यक­पुजा ­•भंडारा­चला
27ई­हाम्रो ­जय़­मनाई­भोग्‍ये­गर­भंया­महंत्याइँको­



[above the main text:]1

Glorious (śrī) Durgājyū

Venerable SiddhaBhagavantanātha 1

[in the left margin:]

The thrice venerable great king, who is illustrious, very mighty and has arms like a staff etc., Raṇa Uddīpa Siṃha Rāṇā Bahādūra, KCSI, thoṅ-līṅ-pim-mā-ko-kāṅ-vāṅ-syān, prime minister and commander-in-chief2 2

[seal of Hīranātha]3

Attesting that the copy is true to the original, Hīrānātha-jī

[main text:]

Hail. [This is] an executive order of the supreme king of great kings.4

Āge: to MahantaGosāī̃Khimānātha5

You have submitted a petition to us through [Prime Minister and Commander-in-Chief Raṇa Uddīpa Siṃha Rāṇā Bahādura (...)]6 and the venerable prince born of a prince, Commander-in-Chief General Dhīra Śamśera Jaṅga Rāṇā Bahādura, stating: "According to the rule (bandeja) of earlier times7 that states: 'The disciple who has been slapped on the back and to whom the throne has been entrusted by the master (mālika) of the throne (he who sits on the throne of the monastery of [the Venerable Siddha Bhagavantanātha]8 ) shall occupy the throne', and in accordance with what has been practised since early times, my guru, Gosāī̃ Jagadīśvaranātha,9 slapped [me] on the back [and] wrote an order (sanada) that states: 'This throne of the monastery is entrusted to you',10 [and] ever since my guru passed away11 I have been exercising authority over that monastery. Following that [customary practice,] a lālamohara in the name of my guru Jagadīśvaranātha was issued in VS 1904, Caitra vadi 11, Thursday,12 [and] according to it the order (hukuma) has been given that a sanada in my name should be issued, [but such a] sanada has not been [issued yet.]"13 We have therefore confirmed your authority, [which] you have been exercising [ever since] your guru Jagadīśvaranātha passed away, [that same] guru of yours, Jagadīśvaranātha, having given you authority [over] the throne of the monastery of [the venerable Siddha Bhagavantanātha]14 . We have issued a lālamohora conferring abbotship (mahantyāĩ) that states: 15 Enjoy [what is yours], doing [your] work dutifully according to the customs that have been practised before, collecting the income due on the land registered in your name, as practised before, without any decrease or increase, conducting the daily and occasional pūjās and observing feasts from the throne of the monastery of [the venerable Siddha Bhagavantanātha]16 , and celebrating our triumphs.

Sunday, the 2nd of the dark fortnight of Phālguna of the [Vikrama] era year 1938 (1882 CE).17 Auspiciousness.


Khimānātha had earlier, in VS 1935, received confirmation of his abbotship from Lieutenant General Vīra Śamśera Jaṅga Bahādura Rāṇā (see K_0097_0040). The sanada he is asking for in the petition, to which the present document is a response, is a confirmation of his abbotship by the king similar to the above-mentioned mahantyāĩko lālamohara Jagadīśvaranātha received in VS 1904 (see K_0468_0062).

Khimānātha's abbotship lasted for less than a decade, but it was eventful. He was, for example, involved in several court cases (see Zotter 2018: 455f. with further references). He passed away in VS 1943, Āśvina sudi 4, Friday (cf. K_0097_0038), one day after he wrote a sanada for his disciple and successor Hīrānātha (see K_0097_0041). Hīranātha, who attested the present copy (probably in the process of applying for his own mahantyāĩko lālamohara), received the desired royal confirmation in VS 1944, Māgha vadi 8, Saturday (see K_0469_0024), after his claim to the office was reviewed by different government institutions (see K_0097_0038, K_0097_0042 and K_0097_0043).


1. The facsimile contains in the upper and lower margin parts of other documents (K_0097_0038 and K_0097_0040 respectively), which are not included in the edition and translation here. []

2. According to another copy of the document (K_0469_0001) the praśasti of the prime minister starts with the word svasti (text: svāsta). []

3. The legend reads: śrī hirānātha. []

4. According to the date, the king who issued this rukkā must have been Pṛthvī Vīra Vikrama Śāha. []

5. The name is given as spelled in the present document. In another copy of this rukkā (K_0469_0001) the slightly more common spelling Khīmānātha is used. []

6. The name inserted here is given next to the praśasti (see above) in the left margin. []

7. In the documents confirming Jagadīśvaranātha's predecessors Rūpanātha (see K_0469_0035) and Lokanātha (K_0469_0003 and K_0469_0036) as mālikas of the maṭha, the rules governing succession, to which the present document seemingly refers, are ascribed to Bhagavantanātha, the founder of the maṭha (see e.g. aghidekhi siddha Bhagavaṃtanāthavāṭa vandeja garīrākhyāko ... K_0469_0035). However, the slapping on the back—a detail recurring in later documents (see e.g. K_0469_0033)—is not mentioned in these early documents. []

8. Inserted from the space above the main text. []

9. The name appears later in the document also as Jagadīsvaranātha. The standard spelling is used in the translation. []

10. That Jagadīśvaranātha wrote a sanada in order to specify who would be his successor is mentioned elsewhere (see K_0097_0040). One day before his death, Khimānātha wrote a similar sanadapatra for his disciple Hīrānātha (K_0097_0041). For no other mahantas of the maṭha are such written declarations attested. []

11. Jagadīśvaranātha must have passed away in VS 1935 or earlier; cf. Commentary. []

12. For a copy of this document, see K_0468_0062. []

13. Cf. Commentary. []

14. Inserted from the space above the main text. []

15. The following is a more or less a verbatim quote from the lālamohara to Jagadīśvaranātha mentioned above. []

16. Inserted from the space above the main text. []

17. The date corresponds to 5 February 1882. []