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A copy of a royal order appointing three former biṣeṭs as diṭṭhās in the service of Matsyendranātha (VS 1862)

ID: K_0341_0018

Edited and translated by Manik Bajracarya and Rajendra Shakya
Created: 2020-11-02; Last modified: 2023-03-30
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Published by Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Documents on the History of Religion and Law of Pre-modern Nepal, Heidelberg, Germany, 2023. Published by the courtesy of the National Archives, Kathmandu. The copyright of the facsimile remains with the Nepal Rashtriya Abhilekhalaya (National Archives, Government of Nepal). All use of the digital facsimiles requires prior written permission by the copyright holder. See Terms of Use.
The accompanying edition, translation/synopsis and/or commentary are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License CCby-SA.


The royal order of which this is a copy reappoints three biseṭs of Patan to manage the affairs of Buṅgadyo, Matsyendranātha.

Diplomatic edition




[Seal of Jaisīkoṭhā]

[Unknown seal]



Āge: It turns out that new[ly appointed] biseṭs have failed to make customary arrangements for the glorious Matsyendranātha (text: Machīndranātha) and to take proper care of his property. For this reason, we have [re]appointed the earlier biseṭs—[namely] Ratana Buḍhā of Ikhālakhu (text: Īṣālaṣu), Śiva Narasiṃ of Iṣālaṣu1 [and] Bhāju Narasiṃ Ṭūsu of Taujhyāla—who inherited [the responsibility] from the past, as ḍiṭṭhās. We have decided to appoint (pajanī) these three persons to serve the glorious Matsyendranātha and to take care of the [deity's] treasury, houses, plots, forests, gardens, villages and guvādāma2 .

Do not be greedy for the grains, money (lahanā), ornaments and valuables [belonging to the deity]. If you become greedy or misappropriate [such property], the evil eye of glorious Matsyendra (text: Machīṃdra) will befall you.

Remuneration (khānagī) for the three [ḍiṭṭhās], as in the past, includes a total of 12 ([in words,] twelve) murīs of [husked] rice, 25 (twenty-five) murīs of unhusked rice and 12 (twelve) murīs of wheat. Have 12 kacā biseṭs3 be present in the service [of Matsyendranātha]. As in the past, provide them with 24 (twenty-four) murīs of rice, 25 (twenty-five) murīs of unhusked rice and 12 (twelve) murīs of wheat as their remuneration. Keep [only] those who are regularly present in the service. Dismiss those who remain absent or make mistakes. Bhāradāras, amālidāras [or] rakamīs must not engage in obstructive activities [or] in disputes over the land belonging to the deity. Neither encroach upon [such] land nor cultivate it and enjoy its harvests. Inform us in cases of misappropriation. Carry out [all] the customs and rituals of the deity, following what has been performed traditionally. Deposit unused valuables [in the treasury]. Misappropriation of the deity's treasury or greedy or sinful acts [towards the deity] may result in capital punishment or confiscation of property. We will hang [such a person]. Having understood this, keep to the dharma, serve the deity, celebrate our triumphs and enjoy [the fruits] together with your own families. Whoever disobeys this rule will come under the five grave sins (pañcamahāpātaka).

Saturday, the 7th of the bright fortnight of Bhādra in the [Vikrama] era year 1862 (1805 CE). Auspiciousness.

[Seal of Jaisīkoṭhā]4

[Unknown seal; only the letters "śrī medinī" are legible.]


This copy of a lālamohara officializes the [re]appointment of three biseṭs in the service of Matsyendranātha. The usual eulogy (praśasti), and hence the name of the king, is missing. From the date, however, the issuing king can be confirmed as Gīrvāṇayuddha Vikrama Śāha (r. 1799-1816). The names of the addressees, usually followed by the beginning marker āge, are missing as well. The editors assume that the document is addressed to the three biseṭs.

During the Malla period, the biseṭs of Matsyendranātha were the court officials entrusted with the management of guṭhī lands belonging to the deity. Additionally, they were responsible for organizing the deity's festival and ensuring that all tasks were completed on time. The biseṭs also had the responsibility of supervising crowd control throughout the festival, and two of them would wave yak tail fans in front of the deity during the chariot procession (Locke 1980: 267). Their duties are outlined in an inscription installed by King Śrīnivāsa Malla in NS 793 (1673 CE) (for details, see NHDP_0001_0138). The biseṭs continued to serve in their roles until the Śāha kings relieved them of their duties and replaced them with state officials.

The document identifies the aforementioned three persons as belonging to the clans who traditionally held the post of biseṭs, and that they had to be reappointed after some newly hired biseṭs failed to fulfil their duties. Interestingly, the reappointed persons were given the post of diṭṭhā, one generally held by civil servants. It is not yet known when the functions assumed by traditional biseṭs were taken over by diṭṭhās. Other documents, RRC_0005_01595 issued in 1806 and DNA_0014_0106 issued in 1839, also appoint diṭṭhās to do the tasks traditionally carried out by biseṭs.

The current document also instructs that 12 subordinate biseṭs be appointed without specifying their tasks. Remunerations for the three diṭṭhās and their subordinates are specified in terms of rice and wheat.

Another copy of this document can be found in the Regmi Research Collection vol. 6, pp. 394-6. For Regmi's translation of it, see Regmi 1972: 80.


1. First two letters of this place name are unclear in the original. []

2. This term is probably a misspelling of godāma, meaning a storehouse. []

3. Kacā biseṭ probably was a person assigned to assist a biseṭ in a subordinate role. The Newari term kacā means a branch or a supplementary position. []

4. The seal at the bottom of the text contains a legend that appears to read ‘Śrī Jaisīkoṭhā’ in the first two lines. The third line has four digits of which the second one is illegible. []

5. On this document, see also See also Locke 1980: 267 and Regmi 1974: 129. []