Details for Trishuli

Notesalso known as Trisūlagaṅgā, Triśūlī nadī;

one of the major tributaries of the Narayani River basin in central Nepal; originates in Tibet as a stream and enters Nepal at Gyirong Town; joins the Kali Gandaki river at Devghat;

wiki:Trishuli_River, geonames:1282639.

Name XML file Year reliable?
त्रिशूलगंगा DNA_0013_0069 1831 (VS 1887) yes
Triśūlagaṅgā DNA_0013_0069 1831 (VS 1887) yes
त्रिसूलगंगा DNA_0016_0075 1841 (VS 1898) yes
Trisūlagaṅgā DNA_0016_0075 1841 (VS 1898) yes
त्रिसुल्‌‌गंगा Tsum_0001_0052 1863 (VS 1920) yes
Triśūla Gaṅgā Tsum_0001_0052 1863 (VS 1920) yes