Details for Raṇasura Thāpā

NameRaṇasura Thāpā
Notesflourished: 1809 (VS 1866, RRC_0009_0002)–1833 (VS 1890, DNA_0016_0005);

gender: male;


held the title of subedāra (RRC_0009_0002);

caretaker of a guṭhī with landed property at Purkot endowed for worshipping Śrī Kālikā of Gorkha Palace;

involved in fixing the boundaries of a royal land grant as representative of the Daphadarakhānā in 1833 (VS 1890);


note that the caretaker of the guṭhī and the representative of the Daphadarakhānā might be two different persons. #checked#

Name XML file Year reliable?
Raṇasura Thāpā DNA_0016_0005 1833 (VS1890) no
Raṇasura Thāpā K_0015_0022B 1819 (VS 1876) yes
Raṇasura Thāpā K_0120_0020 (c) 1799 (VS 1856) yes
Raṇasura Thāpā RRC_0009_0002 1810 (VS 1866) yes
रणसुर थापा DNA_0016_0005 1833 (VS1890) no
रणसुर थापाके RRC_0009_0002 1810 (VS 1866) yes
रणसुर थापाको K_0015_0022B 1819 (VS 1876) yes