Identifier | Short title | Year | Actions |
DNA_0015_0029 | A lālamohara from King Surendra approving the sale of land by Kolāl Siṅgh Rāut to Bekhālāl Rāut (VS 1910) | 1910 VS | |
DNA_0015_0030 | A lālmohara from King Rājendra appointing Bahuri Caudharī as caudharī of Gogarā Pargannā, Moraṅg (VS 1898) | 1898 VS | |
DNA_0015_0031 | A rukkā from King Rājendra to officials appointing Raṃjīta Giri as central overseer of sannyāsīs (VS 1898) | 1898 VS | |
DNA_0015_0032 | A rukkā from the king rewarding the attendants concerned with a pair of elephant as tanukhā (VS 1897) | 1897 VS | |
DNA_0015_0033 | A lālamohara from King Rājendra appointing Raṃjīta Giri as overseer of sannyāsīs (V.S. 1898) | 1898 VS | |
DNA_0015_0034 | A rukkā from the king providing 675 rupees to the person concerned as tanukhā (VS 1898) | 1898 VS | |
DNA_0015_0035 | A lālamohara from King Rājendra granting land to General Bhīmsena Thāpā (VS 1875) | 1875 VS | |
DNA_0015_0036 | A rukkā from the king ordering Kajī Kulmana Singh Basnyāt to provide the land donated by Captain Vīrbhadra Kũvara (VS 1899) | 1899 VS | |
DNA_0015_0037 | A rukkā from the king providing kheta, pākho and khoriyā to the mine operators of Kaṭvāl Gāũ's Bhirpānī mine (VS 1900) | 1900 VS | |
DNA_0015_0038 | A lālamohara from King Rājendra providing land to Ekadeva Vaidya (VS 1898) | 1898 VS | |
DNA_0015_0039 | A lālamohara from King Rājendra employing Vanu Patriyā as a servant (VS 1900) | 1900 VS | |
DNA_0015_0040 | A lālmohara from King Rājendra providing land in Ṭhimī to Dharma Subhoya and others (VS 1892) | 1892 VS | |
DNA_0015_0041 | A lālamohara from King Rājendra providing capā guṭhī and prajā guṭhī lands to Martha Siṁha Bā̃ḍā and others (VS 1892) | 1892 VS | |
DNA_0015_0042 | A lālmohara from King Rājendra providing guthī land to Bājurām of Ṭhimī etc. (VS 1892) | 1892 VS | |
DNA_0015_0043 | A rukkā from the king directing Subbā Hirālāla Jhā to deal with the tanukhāha of Bicāri Nandarām Ḍhuṅgyāl (VS 1898) | 1898 VS | |
DNA_0015_0044 | A rukkā from the king directing cautariyā etc. of Cisāpānī Gaḍhī to attend some royal ladies to lead them back to Kathmandu (VS 1897) | 1897 VS | |
DNA_0015_0045 | A rukkā from the king ordering Cautariyā Guru Prasād Śāha to make a vow in favor of Kānchā Nānī to grant land in Madhesa (VS 1899) | 1899 VS | |
DNA_0015_0046 | A lālamohara from King Rājendra appointing Gulāb Rāut as caudharāī of Bārā district, Pragannā Maṭiaun Darobasta (VS 1899) | 1899 VS | |
DNA_0015_0047 | A rukkā from the king directing Subbā Lakṣimā Pati Jaisi to deal with the tanukhāha of Darogā Rāmdatta Pādhyā and others (VS 1895) | 1895 VS | |
DNA_0015_0048 | A rukkā from King Rājendra to the Raṇasera Palṭan re the collection of animal hides (VS 1898) | 1898 VS | |