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A purjī from the Mulukī Aḍḍā to the Guṭhī Bandobasta Aḍḍā the appointment of Bharapuranātha as the new abbot of the monastery of Gorakhanātha (VS 1978)

ID: K_0252_0018

Edited and translated by Astrid Zotter in collaboration with Raju Rimal and Christof Zotter
Created: 2019-08-07; Last modified: 2022-11-11
For the metadata of the document, click here

Published by Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Documents on the History of Religion and Law of Pre-modern Nepal, Heidelberg, Germany, 2020. Published by the courtesy of the National Archives, Kathmandu. The copyright of the facsimile remains with the Nepal Rashtriya Abhilekhalaya (National Archives, Government of Nepal). All use of the digital facsimiles requires prior written permission by the copyright holder. See Terms of Use.
The accompanying edition, translation/synopsis and/or commentary are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License CCby-SA.


This purjī from the Mulukī Aḍḍā orders the Guṭhī Bandobasta Aḍḍā to issue a provisional appointment letter (bahālī purjī) for Bharapuranātha as abbot (pīramahanta) of the Mṛgasthalī monastery so that he may perform imminent Navarātra rituals.

Diplomatic edition






[Seal with the legend: श्री मुलुकि अडा ४२]

[Unknown seal]

[Unknown seal]

[Unknown seal]

1मुलुकी­अडा­पुर्जी­फाट्‌वाट­ श्री­५­सर्कारतर्फ­गुठी­वन्दोवस्तके­
2 पुर्जी­
3 ऊप्रात­मृगस्थलीको­पीरमहंत­परमहंसनाथ­मरेको­र­•तेस्का­थाऊमा­भरपूरनाथलाई­
10को­हुनाले­मर्जी­वक्सेको­लेषीय़ा­वमोजीं­गर्ने­काम­गर­ ७८­सा­पछी­जो­चाहीने­सनद­भै­
11आऊला­•७८­साल­आश्वी­१६­गते­रोज­७­शुभ्म्­¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯





Pu[rjī] no. 4512


[Seal with the legend: śrī muluki aḍā 42]4

[Unknown seal]5

[Unknown seal]

[Unknown seal]

A purjī from the purjī section (phā̃ṭa) of the Mulukī Aḍḍā to the Guṭhī Bandobasta [Aḍḍā] under Śrī 5 Sarkāra

Uprānta: "As the pīramahanta of Mṛgasthalī, Paramahaṃsanātha, has died and yesterday Śrī 3 Mahārāja put Bharapūranātha in his place and has endorsed [the appointment], and as the ghaṭasthāpanā [and other] Navarātra rituals have to be performed, issue a provisional appointment letter (bahālī purjī) today, and [later] the prime minister's certificate of appointment (sanada) that needs to be issued as well." Notice of [these] details written and sent by Śrī Baḍā Gurujyu has been taken by the Commander-in-Chief Sāheba, and as from tomorrow on the ghaṭasthāpanā [and other] Navarātra rituals have to be performed, [the latter] has given an order (marjī) [to this office] stating: "Send [an order] in writing that the rituals be performed, [that] the needed purjīs be issued in the names of whoever is needed [for them to be performed], including in the name of the said Pīramahanta Bharapūranātha, so that one can have him perform the rituals." Therefore, perform the task in accordance with what is stated in the order. Later, the needed sanada will come to be issued.

Saturday, the 16 solar day (gate) of the month of Āśvina in the [Vikrama era] year [19]78 (1 October 1921 CE). Auspiciousness.


In this purjī, the Mulukī Aḍḍā orders the Guṭhī Bandobasta Aḍḍā to issue a bahālī purjī appointing Bharapuranātha as the successor of the deceased abbot of the Mṛgasthalī monastery, Paramahaṃsanātha. This was meant as a provisional appointment only, with the promise that the proper papers be issued later. This interim solution was necessary because the abbot (mahanta), whose appointment had been ratified by the prime minister on the previous day, needed to perform the rituals during the autumnal Dasaĩ festival—here called Navarātra—that started on the following day6 .

As can be reconstructed from related documents, the previous pīramahanta of Mṛgasthalī had died on the 18th gate of Śrāvaṇa (K_0252_0044), whereafter the Guṭhi Bandobasta Aḍḍā was put in charge of managing the regular and occasional rituals of the monastery until the appointment of a new mahanta.

According to a letter sent by the office of the Baḍā Gurujyu (K_0252_0021) and another written by Bharapuranātha himself (K_0252_0022), the latter's appointment was indeed ratified on Friday, the 15th gate of Āśvina. Both the Baḍā Gurujyu and Bharapuranātha stress that the provisional appointment needed to be issued in order to avoid anything getting in the way of the Dasaĩ rituals.

This bahālī purjī was issued by the Guṭhī Bandobasta Aḍḍā on the very same day and is extant in two different copies (K_0054_0053, K_0177_0004). That it was received by Bharapuranātha the same day is evident from a receipt issued by him (K_0252_0022). Thus this last-minute intervention on the eve of the Navarātra festival achieved what it set out to do.


1. This Arabic numeral by a second hand was probably added when documents were either sorted or, more likely, when they were microfilmed. The count starts with 1 in the document K_0252_0015 and continues up to 36 in K_0052_0050. All documents in this series concern the Gorakhanātha Guṭhī of Mṛgasthalī in the months following the death of Pīramahanta Paramahaṃsanātha on the 18th solar day (gate) of Śrāvaṇa in VS 1978 (1921 CE). []

2. As this marginal note looks as if it came from the same scribe who wrote the main text, it is likely to be the running number in a count of purjīs issued by the purjī section of the Mulukī Aḍḍā. []

3. It is unclear what this number, added by a later hand, refers to. []

4. This seal of the issuing office precedes the name of the office in the first line of the main text. []

5. This seal, used throughout the document three times—twice stamped over the two scribal deletions and a third time to mark the end of the text—seems to be the seal of either the scribe or his supervisor. []

6. The date of issue of the present documents corresponds to the new moon day of the month of Bhādra. Thus the next day fell on the first lunar day (tithi) of the bright fortnight of Āśvina, on which the ritual called the "setting of the jar" (ghaṭasthāpanā) was due. []