Details for Bharapuranātha

Notesalso known as: Bharapūranātha, Bharapuranātha Jogī, Bharpurnāthajī;

born: 1880 (VS 1937/38) at the Jvālājīmaṭha in Dailekh (K_0252_0022);

gender: male;

father: Lachīmananātha;


succeeded Paramahaṃsanātha as abbot (pīramahanta) of Mṛgasthalī in 1921 (VS 1978, K_0252_0018K_0252_0022);

grandson of Uttamanātha (K_0177_0017).

#checked#To be discussed: What to do with the reference to the grandfather?#
Name XML file Year reliable?
Bharapuranātha K_0252_0018 (c) 1921 (VS 1978) yes
Bharapuranātha K_0440_0007 (n) 1769 (VS 1826) yes
Bharapuranātha Jogī K_0252_0022 1921 (VS 1978) yes
Bharapūranātha K_0252_0018 1921 (VS 1978) yes
Bharapūranātha K_0252_0021 1921 (VS 1978) yes
Bharpurnāthajī K_0252_0022 1921 (VS 1978) yes
भरपुरनाथ जोगी K_0252_0022 1921 (VS 1978) yes
भरपुरनाथलाई K_0252_0021 1921 (VS 1978) yes
भरपूरनाथलाई K_0252_0018 1921 (VS 1978) yes
भर्पुर्नाथजी K_0252_0022 1921 (VS 1978) yes