ID | Word | Notes | Type |
2734 | golocana | [S.] var. gaulocana; n. substance emitted through the mouth of a cow; bright yellow orpiment prepared from the bile of cattle. | t.t. |
2106 | gorakhā dakṣiṇa bāhu | n. "The Most Puissant Order of the Gurkha Right Hand" (; oldest Nepalese order founded by King Pṛthvī in 1896 CE (VS 1952) and reformed by King Tribhuvana in 1932 CE. | t.t. |
2959 | goru | var. gorru; n. bullock. | t.t. |
1839 | gosāī̃ | [fr. S. gosvāmin-] var. gosāñī, gosāñi, gosāī, gosāi; n. title used by ascetics of different orders (cf. Clark 2006: 14). | t.t. |
2352 | gosvārā | [fr. A. gośavārā] var. gośvārā; n. 1) belonging to a single group or being an integral part of, common to several, joint. 2) chief, main, of the first level (gosvārā hulāka, gosvārā lagata, etc.). 3) an administrative office of a baḍāhākima that looks after the security affairs of the whole district during olden times (Parājulī 2010: 339). | t.t. |
2945 | goṭā | n. gold or silver lace. | t.t. |
2430 | gotiyā | n. persons belonging to the same gotra. | t.t. |
2249 | gotra | [S.] n. clan names of the seers (ṛṣis) from which all Twice-born and others are belived to originate, including Agastya, Bhāradvāja, Gautama, Jamadagni, Kaśyapa, Vasiṣṭha etc. | t.t. |
3068 | govā | n. hereditary function of head-man in Tibetan village communities (cf. "guobah" in Hooker 1854: 217; Saxer 2022: 26). | t.t. |
243 | govadha | [S.] var. gauvadha, gauhatyā; n. “Cow killing“ (Adhikari 1984: 348). | t.t. |
2363 | grāsa | [S.] n. a amount of food that can be put in one's mouth at a time. | t.t. |
2353 | gubhāju | [New.] n. term mostly used to denote the Buddhist priestly caste called Vajrācārya, often used for also denoting Buddhist Śākya caste, who are not authorized to perform priestly functions. | t.t. |
2908 | guḍaguḍī / guḍaguḍe | var. guḍaguḍi; n. a metal hookah making a bubbling sound. | t.t. |
2228 | gujrā̃tī | adj. 1) someone coming from Gujarat of modern India. 2) In the context of the Mulukī Ain, this refers to the Brahmins coming from Gujrat. | t.t. |
2739 | gulabadana | [H.] n. a type of silken cloth that is described as being striped (Varmā VS 2054: s.v. : "eka prakāra kā dhārīdāra reśamī kapaṛā") or rose-coloured (Sharma and Vermeer 1987: s.v.: "rosenfarbiges Seidentuch"). | t.t. |
2606 | gumāstā | n. 1) A deputy, representive, steward or agent. 2) A revenue collection assistant. | t.t. |
2199 | guru | [S.] n. spiritual master, mentor or teacher | t.t. |
2163 | Guruṅ | var. gurūṃ; n. Gurung, Tibeto-Burman ethnic group in the central hills. | t.t. |
2354 | gurupurohita | var. guruprohīta; n. royal priest. | t.t. |
2181 | gururāja | [S.] lit. "king of preceptors"; a title used by the dharmādhikara and other bhāradāras. | t.t. |