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Displaying page 21 of 65; total number of records: 1297
ID Word Notes Type
2734 golocana [S.] var. gaulocana; n. substance emitted through the mouth of a cow; bright yellow orpiment prepared from the bile of cattle. t.t.
2106 gorakhā dakṣiṇa bāhu n. "The Most Puissant Order of the Gurkha Right Hand" (; oldest Nepalese order founded by King Pṛthvī in 1896 CE (VS 1952) and reformed by King Tribhuvana in 1932 CE. t.t.
2959 goru var. gorru; n. bullock. t.t.
1839 gosāī̃ [fr. S. gosvāmin-] var. gosāñī, gosāñi, gosāī, gosāi; n. title used by ascetics of different orders (cf. Clark 2006: 14). t.t.
2352 gosvārā [fr. A. gośavārā] var. gośvārā; n. 1) belonging to a single group or being an integral part of, common to several, joint. 2) chief, main, of the first level (gosvārā hulāka, gosvārā lagata, etc.). 3) an administrative office of a baḍāhākima that looks after the security affairs of the whole district during olden times (Parājulī 2010: 339). t.t.
2945 goṭā n. gold or silver lace. t.t.
2430 gotiyā n. persons belonging to the same gotra. t.t.
2249 gotra [S.] n. clan names of the seers (ṛṣis) from which all Twice-born and others are belived to originate, including Agastya, Bhāradvāja, Gautama, Jamadagni, Kaśyapa, Vasiṣṭha etc. t.t.
3068 govā n. hereditary function of head-man in Tibetan village communities (cf. "guobah" in Hooker 1854: 217; Saxer 2022: 26). t.t.
243 govadha [S.] var. gauvadha, gauhatyā; n. “Cow killing“ (Adhikari 1984: 348). t.t.
2363 grāsa [S.] n. a amount of food that can be put in one's mouth at a time. t.t.
2353 gubhāju [New.] n. term mostly used to denote the Buddhist priestly caste called Vajrācārya, often used for also denoting Buddhist Śākya caste, who are not authorized to perform priestly functions. t.t.
2908 guḍaguḍī / guḍaguḍe var. guḍaguḍi; n. a metal hookah making a bubbling sound. t.t.
2228 gujrā̃tī adj. 1) someone coming from Gujarat of modern India. 2) In the context of the Mulukī Ain, this refers to the Brahmins coming from Gujrat. t.t.
2739 gulabadana [H.] n. a type of silken cloth that is described as being striped (Varmā VS 2054: s.v. : "eka prakāra kā dhārīdāra reśamī kapaṛā") or rose-coloured (Sharma and Vermeer 1987: s.v.: "rosenfarbiges Seidentuch"). t.t.
2606 gumāstā n. 1) A deputy, representive, steward or agent. 2) A revenue collection assistant. t.t.
2199 guru [S.] n. spiritual master, mentor or teacher t.t.
2163 Guruṅ var. gurūṃ; n. Gurung, Tibeto-Burman ethnic group in the central hills. t.t.
2354 gurupurohita var. guruprohīta; n. royal priest. t.t.
2181 gururāja [S.] lit. "king of preceptors"; a title used by the dharmādhikara and other bhāradāras. t.t.
Displaying page 21 of 65; total number of records: 1297