Edited and
translated by Rajendra Shakya
in collaboration with
Pabitra Bajracharya
Created: 2019-11-18;
Last modified: 2020-10-20
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[Seal of Jagat Jaṅga]1स्वस्तिश्री∙मद्राजकुमारकुमारात्मज∙पूर्वतर्फकाकम्यांडीङ्जनरलश्रीजग[1r]
Hail! A letter from the Eastern Commanding General ŚrīJagat Jaṅga Bahādura Rāṇā, a prince born of a prince
Āge: To the mukhiyās, jeṭhā-buḍhās, ghyāpos1 , ryots and the like of Sivacyātagāũ, Tāṃjugāũ, Balākgāũ, Mepāgāũ, Cupaliṅgāũ, Lutrugāũ, Tophāgāũ, Yārjugāũ, Pācapārvā2 , Borsigāũ, Pārogāũ, Nilunagāũ, Ṅākagāũ, Chilunagāũ, [and] Phulavegāũ of the Syārabhoṭ sector of the Aṭhāra Saya Kholā region
Yathocita Uprānta: A petition was submitted to us with the [following] details: “In regard to the khuvā [of] the khānagī of ¯ ¯1¯3 that was transferred to you starting from the year [VS 19]34 (1877 CE) in accordance with the [Rāṇā] Roll [of Succession]4 , we carried out any work that needed to be performed in accordance with an order signed by ¯ ¯1¯, which stated: 'When submitting lokābhāra revenue in cash and kind on land in Syārabhoṭ in the Aṭhāra Saya Kholā region, and when amending a lease contract [or] loan deed, or whenever there is any work to be carried out, do it in consultation with Kaisāṅ Khunu, son of JimmāvālaṄavāṅ Khunu. You all shall support [him] if [he] asks for any assistance in a time of need.'
"The work is [that] of a borderland region. If [you] had issued a sanada as usual, it would have been known whether or not the contractual amounts [collected] under the lokābhāra from the villages have been submitted and also whether there have been any changes in [the appointment] of mukhiyās in the villages5 . There would not be any opposition either when some work needs to be carried out.”
Along with it [was a document] issued on [Satur]day, the 6th of the bright fortnight of Phālguna in the year [VS 19]31 (1875 CE) under the signature of ¯ ¯1¯. We, too, instated Kaisāṅ Khunu in the post of jimmāvāla, on [Tues]day, the 10th of the bright fortnight of Māgha in the year [VS 19]34 (1878 CE) in line with the [similar] document signed by ¯ ¯1¯.
The said Jimmāvāla Kaisāṅ Khunu performed his duties up to the year [VS 19]35 (1878 CE) and [then] submitted a petition to us, stating: “I will not be able to perform the duties of a jimmāvāla alone from the year [VS 19]36 (1879 CE) on. Things would work out if you formalized a jimmāvāla lease contract in the name of us two brothers, [so as] to include my elder brother Chāṅvā Chiriṅ.”
Accordingly, after we sent a marjī ordering that a lokābhāra arrangement be made for [the period] from the harvest of the year [VS19]36 (1879 CE) onwards, as usual, and that a jimmāvāla lease contract be formalized in the name of the said Jimmāvāla Kaisāṅ Khunu and his elder brother Chāṅvā Chiriṅ, Caturmohana Upādhyā, subbā of the Bandobasta Aḍḍā, wrote to us, informing that in accordance with the details of [the marjī] he had [formalized a lease contract] in the name of the two persons, Jimmāvāla Kaisāṅ Khunu and Chāṅvā Chiriṅ Khunu, appointing them as jimmāvālas of the 14 villages6 mentioned above from the harvest of the year [VS19]36 (1879 CE) onwards.
Therefore, from now onwards, when as usual you submit revenue due under the lokābhāra of your villages or need to amend the contract agreement, all of you shall do so through Jimmāvāla Chāṅvā Chiriṅ Khunu and Jimmāvāla Kaisaṅ Khunu. Whenever something needs to be done, act in consultation with Jimmāvālas Chāṅvā Chiriṅ [and] Kaisaṅ Khunu. If the said jimmāvālas ask for any assistance, you all shall lend help [to them]. Allow [them] to [collect and] use the rent that has been imposed regularly. You will have [a price] to pay if you do not comply with what is written in this order. Be informed [of this] and act accordingly.
Wednesday, the 10th of the dark fortnight of Vaiśākha in the [Vikrama] era year 1936 (1879 CE). Auspiciousness.
This document approves the appointment of two persons as jimmāvālas for 14 villages of the Syārabhoṭ sector of the Aṭhāra Saya Kholā region. Jimmāvāla Kaisāṅ Khunu requests the state to appoint his brother Chāṅvā Chiriṅ Khunu along with him to the post so that both can look after matters together. The move will eventually prove to be disastrous for Kaisāṅ, as we learn from another document L_1200_0030, dating from 1900 CE. Either Chāṅvā manages to increase his influence among the people within the next two decades or so, or Kaisāṅ to become so unpopular among the people that Chāṅvā eventually has Kaisāṅ removed, while continuing to hold on to the position of jimmāvāla himself.
Another document, E_3446_0007, issued about 15 months earlier than this one has similar content. The reference ‘¯ ¯1¯’ in that document is to Western Commanding General Dhīra Śamśera Jaṅga Bahādura Rāṇā. As both documents were issued at about the same time, the unclear reference ‘¯ ¯1¯’ of this document is also probably intended for Dhīra Śamśera.