Details for Naka Bahila

NameNaka Bahila
Notesalso known as Naka Bahāla, Naka Bahi;

a Buddhist monastery in Patan and the city quarter surrounding it; 500 metres north-west of Patan Darbar Square;

NHDP:LAL0880 (

Name XML file Year reliable?
नग्वै टोलको E_3456_0009 1769 (VS 1826) yes
Nagbai Ṭola E_3456_0009 1769 (VS 1826) yes
Nakabahī E_3456_0009 (n) 1769 (VS 1826) yes
Nakabahila E_3456_0009 (n) 1769 (VS 1826) yes
नक वाहालका K_0001_0035C 1803 (VS 1860) yes
Naka Bāhāla K_0001_0035C 1803 (VS 1860) yes
नकवहिल टोल DNA_0013_0109 1858/59 (VS 1915) yes
नकवहि टोल्‌ DNA_0013_0109 1858/59 (VS 1915) yes
Nakabahila Ṭola DNA_0013_0109 1858/59 (VS 1915) yes
नकबहि NHDP_0001_0050 1904 (NS 1024) yes
Naka Bahī NHDP_0001_0050 1904 (NS 1024) yes