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Displaying page 30 of 65; total number of records: 1297
ID Word Notes Type
2736 karṣa n. a measure of weight, equaling 16 or 12 māsās; In medieval documents, karṣa was also an unit of land measurement, two karṣas being equal to one ropaṇī. This unit was often used when measuring gardens (cf. Kölver and Shakya 1985: 86). t.t.
400 kartā n. a member of the village council under the kipat system in Pallokirat (M.C. Regmi 1978: 860) t.t.
2406 karuṇānidhāna [S.] var. karuṇanīdhāna; n. "treasure store of compassion"; an epithet found at the beginning (after uprānta) of petitions (bintīpatra, arjī) to the prime minister, often in combination with other epithets, such as garibaparavara or prabhu. t.t.
2814 karuvā n. vessel for drinking water or alcohol with a side spout. t.t.
2243 kasāī var. kasāi, kasāhi; n. butcher, member of a caste whose traditional profession is the selling meat and fruits, classified in the Mulukī Ain as the 11th lowest (superior to Cyāmes, Poḍhes, Vādīs, Gāinyās, Damāī̃s, Kadārās, Kāmī, Sārkī, Kulu, Hindu Dhobī and Kusle) among the Untouchable castes (MA-54.160.11). t.t.
2900 kasakuṭa var. kasakuṭo; n. an alloy of copper, tin and zinc. t.t.
2825 kasanatamana [kā̃sa + tāmā] var. kasaṃtamaṃ; n. collective term for vessels made of bronze, copper or another metal; utensils, pots and pans; see also kasanatasana. t.t.
2828 kasanatasana var. kasaṃtasaṃ; n. utensils, pots and pans; see also kasanatamana. t.t.
2721 kasara var. kasar; n. 1) taxes such as mālapota or tiro applicable to guṭhī land. 2) surplus income of a chuṭaguṭhī (cf. M.C. Regmi 1978b: 860). t.t.
2901 kasauḍī var. kasauḍi; n. a metall cooking pot. t.t.
2970 kastūrī [S.] n. musk, scented substance obtained from the caudal gland of the male musk deer in the form of musk pods (kastūrī binā). t.t.
2488 kastūrī binā [fr. S.] var. kasturī vīnā; n. musk pod, caudal gland of the male musk deer. t.t.
2646 kaṭaṃ var. kataṃ, ka ṭaṃkā; n. acronym for kavīndramallī ṭaṃkā, a coin circulated by Pratāpa Malla. t.t.
2869 kaṭaurā n. a shallow metal cup, or bowl. t.t.
2965 kaṭaurī n. a small cup or bowl; small kaṭaurā. t.t.
2309 kaṭhamahāla n. 1) “revenue from sale of timber in the Tarai“ (M.C. Regmi 1970 (No. 7): 174 ); 2) government establishment in charge of exporting timber of certain species and certain minimum size (Bhaṭṭarāī and Dāhāla VS 2041: s.v. kaṭha mahāla, M.C. Regmi 1979: 160). t.t.
2338 Kaṭhamahāla Bandobasta Aḍḍā n. central office in Kathmandu with jurisdicion over local kaṭhamahālas (M.C. Regmi 2002: 300) t.t.
2992 kāṭhī n. wooden saddle for a horse t.t.
1996 kati n. a certain type of blade used in animal sacrifīce. t.t.
3078 Kaṭṭhā n. unit of land-measurement in the Tarai region, comprising 1,361.25 square feet (126.464 m2) or 151.25 square yard. One Bighā is made up of 20 kaṭṭhā. Kaṭṭhā is divided into 20 dhur and dhur is subdivided into 20 dhurkī. t.t.
Displaying page 30 of 65; total number of records: 1297