Details for Doce

Notesan administrative sector of the Aṭhāra Saya Kholā region, comprising the sub-sectors Syāra and Kutang.
Name XML file Year reliable?
Doce Tsum_0001_0013 1860 (1917 VS) yes
दोच्येतर्फ Tsum_0001_0014 1887 (1943 VS) yes
Doce Tsum_0001_0014 1887 (1943 VS) yes
दोचे Tsum_0001_0012 1888 (1944 VS) yes
Doce Tsum_0001_0012 1888 (1944 VS) yes
दोचेतर्फ E_3446_0010 1889 (VS 1945) yes
Doce E_3446_0010 1889 (VS 1945) yes
दोचेतर्फ E_3446_0006 1891 (VS 1948) yes
Doce E_3446_0006 (n) 1891 (VS 1948) yes
दोच्येतर्फ Tsum_0001_0029 1894 (1951 VS) yes
Doce Tsum_0001_0029 1894 (1951 VS) yes
दोच्येतर्फको L_1200_0009A 1900 (VS 1956) yes
Doce L_1200_0009A 1900 (VS 1956) yes
दोचेतर्फ L_0922_0003 1903 (1959 VS) yes
Doce L_0922_0003 1903 (1959 VS) yes
दोचेतर्फ L_1200_0009I VS 1993 yes
Doce L_1200_0009I VS 1993 yes