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Displaying page 4 of 66; total number of records: 1303
ID Word Notes Type
2592 asala śreṣṭha n. a clan within the Newar Śreṣṭha caste group which are considered inferior to Chatharīya Śreṣṭhas and superior to other Śreṣṭhas of lower rank (MA-54 145.7-8). t.t.
13 asāmī / āsāmī [fr. A.] n. 1) details (cf. M.R. Pant 2002: 131). 2) an individual name or entry in the record (cf. Michael 2012: 129). 3) debtor. t.t.
859 asarphī var. aśaraphī; n. a gold coin, according to Turner 1931 (s.v. asarphi) worth sixteen rupees. However, Turnbull (1992: 46) specifies its value as 25 rupees and adds that its value varies according to the price of gold. t.t.
14 asmānī [fr. P] n. 1) a kind of tax or amount imposed on each household of the mountain region of western Nepal in the ancient time (Parājulī et al. 2010: 90). 2) miscellaneous levies and payments such as judicial fines and escheats, which were not collected on a periodic basis. (M.C. Regmi 1970 (No. 4): 100; cf.: M.C. Regmi 2002: 297; M.C. Regmi 1978b: 853; M.C. Regmi 1978: 161). t.t.
2707 āśrama [S.] Order or stage of live. In traditional Brahmanical thought their are four āśramas which a twice-born male is supposed to adopt in sequence during his life-time: brahmacārin (celibate student), gṛhastha (householder), vānaprastha (forest hermit) and saṃnyāsin (renouncer). t.t.
2366 astabalakhānā [fr. A.] n. 1) horse stable. 2) government office managing the royal horse stables with workers called savārīs assigned to it (Edwards 1975: 115). t.t.
2420 aṣṭamī [S.] n. eighth day of a lunar fortnight, one of the parvan days, often connected with the worship of goddesses. t.t.
2969 aṣṭasugandhadhūpa [S.] n. special incense prepared of eight different ingredients, according to Parājulī et al. VS 2052: sandalwood (candana), red sandalwood (raktacandana), sāladhūpa, camphor (kapūra), saffron (keśara), musk (kastūrī), agarwood (aguru), and gokuladhūpa, often traded in the form of twisted rope incense. t.t.
2802 atalasa [A.] n. satin. t.t.
17 Aṭhpahariyā var. Aṭha Pahariyā; n. 1) an eastern Kiranti ethnic group, inhabiting south-western parts of Pallo Kirāta/Limbuvān, 2) the language of that group (van Driem 2021 II: 602; 664). t.t.
839 avvala [fr. P.] var. avala; n. 1) land of the best quality. 2) first. t.t.
2096 baḍā dasaĩ var. baḍā dasai; also mahā dasaĩ; n. festival to worship the goddess Durgā as slayer of the buffalo demon, held over the bright half of the autumn month of Āśvina. Cf. dasaĩ / daśaĩ. t.t.
1980 baḍā gurujyu var. baḍā gurujyū; also buḍhā gurujyu; n. chief royal preceptor. t.t.
2473 baḍā hākima n. chief administrative officer of a district (M.C. Regmi 1978: 853); "district governor in the later Rana period" (Sever 1993: 478). t.t.
2567 baḍā sāheba n. "chief sahib"; term used for the Governor-General of India. t.t.
1968 baḍāpatra n. a letter from the king or high authority containing an order. t.t.
3022 baḍī n. a homestead t.t.
1820 badī / vadī [fr. S. vadi] var. badi, vadi; n. dark half of a lunar month. t.t.
3004 bāga [P. bāg] n. 1) a large garden, park; 2) orchard; 3) grove; 4) plantation. t.t.
3024 bagara n. 1) alluvial sand along the river, riverbank, sandbank, beach. 2) sandy or shingly place. t.t.
Displaying page 4 of 66; total number of records: 1303