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Displaying page 6 of 66; total number of records: 1303
ID Word Notes Type
869 baṃḍā khet n. “a field given as the share of an inheritance“ (Pant and Pierce 1989: 93). t.t.
3030 bānā var. vāṇā; n. "'instruments', presumably natural trumpets" (Tingey 1990: 22); a number of natural trumpets are called bānās, including the bijuli bānā or the dhop bānā (ibid.: 24); see also nagarā bānā. t.t.
2298 banajā̃ca n. office concerned with forest management and protection. Under PM Candra Śamśera such offices were opened in Sarlahi, Rautahat, Khajahani, Sheoraj, Dang, Deukuri, Morang, and two districts of the Naya Muluk (far-western) region before 1908 (Regmi 1984: 12). According to I. Prasad when all forest work was centralized in 1940 the "Banjanch staff which formerly under the control of Goshwara was placed under the Director-General" (Prasad 1975: 271). t.t.
2927 banāta n. a kind of wollen fabric; broadcloth. t.t.
3014 banāulo n. a tax on forest (M.C. Regmi 1979: 157). t.t.
873 bandeja [from H. bhandheja] var. bandheja, bāndeja; n. order, arrangement, rule, regulation. t.t.
1777 Bandobasta Aḍḍā n. the Land Revenue Administration Office (Sever 1993: 478). t.t.
2918 banduka var. vaṃduka; n. gun, musket, rifle. t.t.
2063 banelī var. vanelo; n. a grove. t.t.
43 bāpata [fr. P. bābata] var. bābat, bāphat; n. 1) a criminal offence. 2) prpn. and ppn. instead of, for. t.t.
2471 bāpatā n. a kind of thick silk-like cloth. t.t.
1864 Barakhapalṭan n. an army regiment formed in January 1784 (Hamal 1995: 42) and stationed in Doti in 1825, 1832, and 1843 (Adhikari 1984: 155, table 3), and in Palpa from 1850-1877 (Adhikari 1984: 157, table 8). In 1863 the Commanding General was Badri Nar Singh (Adhikari 1984: 187, table 8). In 1848 (VS 1905) Khaḍga Bahādura Rāṇā reports on the performance of Dasaĩ in the palṭan (DNA_0002_0061) t.t.
2746 bare chuigu [New.]; n. The rite of monastic initiation mandatory for all Śākya and Vajrācārya boys. t.t.
2001 bārhapantha [bārha + pantha; Hindi: Bārahapantha] var. vārhapaṃtha, vārapantha; the twelve paths or branches of the nātha yogīs (Briggs 1938: 35, 63; Bouillier 2008: 32-35 and 2017: 54-57 and passim; Mallinson 2011).

2449 bārhapanthī yogī n. a yogī of the Nātha tradition which is divided into twelve branches (bārhapantha) t.t.
2130 bārī [S. vāṭikā] var. vārī, vāri; n. dry cropland, garden, vegetable garden. t.t.
2494 barkhī n. a person's first death anniversary. t.t.
2267 baruvāla bheḍā n. the Baruwal sheep (capra ovis); today the principal sheep breed in Nepal, mainly located in the hilly region, "characterized by short ears, a hooked nose and a rather short tail" (Alirol 1976: 53). t.t.
2990 bastara [fr. S. vastra]; n. clothes (used in dignified speech). t.t.
2775 bāṭā n. a flat, round vessel usually made of copper or brass. t.t.
Displaying page 6 of 66; total number of records: 1303