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Displaying page 7 of 65; total number of records: 1286
ID Word Notes Type
2808 baṭādaṇḍa var. vaṭāḍaṃḍa; n. fines imposed for charging a discount on exchange of currency (M.C. Regmi 1971: 130, cf. NBŚ and Turner 1931). t.t.
3003 bathāna var. bathāne; n. 1) a flock, herd; 2) a cattle enclosure, a pasturage t.t.
2693 baṭṭā n. 1) small wooden or metal box. 2) box for keeping make-up, beauty box, vanity case, part of the saubhāgyasāmāna. t.t.
2395 bayāna [A.]. n. 1) description, account; 2) declaration, assertion; 3) witness statement (in a lawsuit). t.t.
2593 bā̃ḍā [Fr. Skt. vandya] n. a caste group among Newars consisting of Śākyas and Vajrācāryas, and are considered inferior to the Śreṣṭhas (MA-54 145.8). t.t.
2383 bā̃ḍā [fr. Skt. vandya] var. bāḍā, vāḍā; n. generic term commonly used by non-Newars to refer to the two highest Buddhist Newar sub-castes, the Śākya and Vajrācārya, who traditionally work as goldsmiths amongst others; the Mulukī Ain groups them below the Śreṣṭhas (MA-54 145.8). t.t.
2701 bā̃ḍā var. bāḍā; n. a Nepalization of the Newari term 'bare', referring exclusively to the Śākyas (cf. Gellner 1992: 66). t.t.
41 bā̃dhā [fr. S. bandhaka] var. bādhā; n. 1) land mortgaged by the state to individuals (M.C. Regmi 1995: 76); (2) a bondsman, a debtor who enters the service of his creditor in default of payment; a non-contract labourer (Adhikari 1984: 345). t.t.
870 bā̃jho adj. (also n.?) barren, uncultivated (land). t.t.
2462 beḍī n. a fee necessary to initiate a trial concerning the recovery of a loan. t.t.
2190 begāra [fr. P.] var. begārī, bigārī; n. 1) a work exacted with no or meager payment. 2) forced and unpaid labor for purposes such as porterage, construction and digging (cf. R. Shaha 1990/vol.1: 207, M.C. Regmi 1978b: 854; cf.: M.C. Regmi 1999: 136). 3) Requisition of labourers for emergency requirement (M.C. Regmi 1965: 53). 4) compulsory porterage services, usually unpaid (cf. Michael 2012: 130). t.t.
2269 bekha var. veṣa; n. a category of birtā grants which were inheritable. t.t.
2490 bela [fr. S. bilva] var. bel; n. the wood apple tree (Aegle marmelos (L.) Corrêa). t.t.
3026 belapatra [bela + S. patra] var. belpatra; n. leave(s) of the wood apple tree (Aegle marmelos (L.) Corrêa). t.t.
2336 beruju var. berūju; adj. unattested, irregular. t.t.
1949 besī var. baisī; adj. more, superfluous, exceeding (Turner 1931: s.v. besi). t.t.
2191 beṭha [fr. S. viṣṭi] var. beṭh, beṭhi; n. usually written together with 'begāra'; compulsory labour; unpaid labour esp. for farms (cf. R. Shaha 1990/vol.1: 207); exaction of unpaid labour on a customary basis in the hill region, usually for agricultural work (cf. M.C. Regmi 1965: 53, Michael 2012: 130). t.t.
2437 beṭha / beṭhī [fr. S. viṣṭi] var. beṭhi; n. usually written together with another term 'begāra'; 1) A type of unfree labour, generally employed in farms on a customary basis (cf. R. Shaha 1990/vol.1: 207, M.C. Regmi 1965: 53). 2) a tax levied on homesteads in the hill region; the commuted value of beṭha labor (M.C. Regmi 1978: 854). 3) a festival in the planting season (Parājulī et al. VS 2052: s.v.). t.t.
3011 beṭhana [veṣṭana] var. veṭhaṃ; n. piece of cloth for wrapping books etc.; wrapper. t.t.
2065 bhābara n. low-lying land. t.t.
Displaying page 7 of 65; total number of records: 1286