Displaying page 405 of 692; total number of records: 13824
Item Type Found in
Voṣimahā Place K_0440_0007
Voṣīmāhā Place K_0440_0007
Vrajanātha Paṇḍitajyū Person K_0096_0013, K_0096_0011
Vrajanātha Pauḍyāla Person K_0096_0013
Vṛhaspatī Panḍit Person K_0469_0032
Vṛhaspati Panḍita Person K_0469_0032
Vṛṣadeva Person K_0213_0039
Vu Person NHDP_0001_0159
Vuṭhīnātha Person K_0013_0029E
Vuṭinātha Person K_0013_0029E
Vuṭīnātha Person K_0013_0029E
Vuṭinātha Person K_0014_0009A, K_0015_0012B
Vuṭinnātha Person K_0015_0012B
Vyāsa Place K_0007_0043C
Vyāsatalī Phāla Place K_0093_0002C
Vyāsatalī Phālalāuna Place K_0093_0002I
Vyāsatālle Place K_0007_0043C
W.G. Osborne Person DNA_0001_0068
Displaying page 405 of 692; total number of records: 13824