Identifier | Title | Main editor(s) |
L_0923_0003 | A letter from Jagat Śamśera re reported incidents of plundering and abduction in the Aṭhāra Saya Kholā region (VS 1915) | Rajendra Shakya |
L_0923_0004 | A letter from Dhīra Śamśera renewing the annual lokābhāra
contract for contractors from Chāvā Gāũ (VS 1924) | Rajendra Shakya |
L_0923_0005 | An istihāra to the nation regarding the use of traps (VS 1988) | Rajendra Shakya |
L_1200_0009A | A letter from Candra Śamśera authorizing Jimmāvāla Chāṃmvā Khunu
to seize and auction off stolen timber (VS 1956) | Rajendra Shakya |
L_1200_0009B | A letter from Jagat Jaṅga that, following a request of Jimmāvāla Kaisāṅ Khunu, announces the
appointment of Chāṅvā Chiriṅ Khunu as a co-jimmāvāla of 14 villages in Syārabhoṭ (VS 1936) | Rajendra Shakya |
L_1200_0009C | A letter from Jīta Jaṅga appointing Chima Dorjye as jimmāvāla of 14
villages of Syāra (VS 1937) | Rajendra Shakya |
L_1200_0009G | A rukkā from Jaṅga Bahādura ordering Jimmāvāla Chimi Dorjye Khunu
not to allow Tibetans to collect sirto tax from locals (VS 1931) | Rajendra Shakya |
L_1200_0009I | A letter from the Mahārājagaṃja Gośvārā Tahabila Aḍḍā formalizing a
lokābhāra lease contract for villages in the Doce sector of Aṭhāra Saya Kholā (VS
1993) | Rajendra Shakya |
L_1200_0010 | A petition from Torcye Bhoṭe demanding actions be taken against Syākapo Bhoṭe and
his sons together with a reply from Western Commanding General Candra Śamśera Jaṅga Bahādura Rāṇā (VS 1955) | Rajendra Shakya |
L_1200_0013 | A purjī from the Gorkhā Māla Aḍḍā ordering Subbā Dorje Indu Bhoṭe to
have villagers fill out official forms (VS 1968) | Rajendra Shakya |
L_1200_0016 | A deed executed by Chiriṃ Buṭi of Sāmāgāũ providing for the future
emancipation of her female slave Kārto (VS 1949) | Manik Bajracharya |
L_1200_0019 | A letter from Captain Kanaka Siṃ Mahata acknowledging the receipt
of a fine for slaughtering a cow (VS 1899) | Rajendra Shakya |
L_1200_0020 | A letter from Dalabhañjana, Balabhañjana and Raṇagambhīra Pāṇḍe
ordering newly appointed dvāres not to overcharge when collecting the fee owed them
by local functionaries upon their arrival (VS 1885) | Rajendra Shakya |
L_1200_0022 | An istihāra mandating that all property transactions and money loans be registered with the government (VS 1985) | Rajendra Shakya |
L_1200_0023 | A dharma bandejapatra meant to settle a jurisdictional dispute
between two tālukadāras in the Aṭhāra Saya Kholā region (VS 1974) | Rajendra Shakya |
L_1200_0025 | A letter from three Bhoṭe brothers agreeing to hand over a bā̃dhā
labourer to his master, Chāmbā Khunu (VS 1960) | Rajendra Shakya |
L_1200_0026 | A letter from Dhīra Śamśera re complaints of troubles caused by Thakālī traders from Mustang (VS 1923) | Rajendra Shakya |
L_1200_0027 | A letter from Subedāra Saraṇabhadra Silavāla to a Kerung Aḍḍā
official re a boundary dispute (VS 1933) | Rajendra Shakya |
L_1200_0029 | A letter from Dhīra Śamśera renewing the annual lokābhāra contract for contractors from Sāmā Gāũ (VS 1924) | Rajendra Shakya |
NHDP_0001_0001 | An inscription at the Karuṇāmaya Mandira in Bungamati commemorating a
bhajana for Kṛṣṇa performed by Guru Kavi Prasāda Gautama (VS
2008) | Simon Cubelic |