Details for Jumla

Notesalso known as: Jumalā, Jumlā;

a district in far-Western Nepal, part of the Karnali province;

former principality and one of the Bāīse Rājya;

wiki:Jumla_District, dbr:Jumla_District, viaf:143114265, gnd:4475007-9, geonames:1283287. #checked#
Name XML file Year reliable?
जुमलाको DNA_0001_0066 1820 (VS 1877) yes
Jumalā DNA_0001_0066 1820 (VS 1877) yes
Jumlā E_2782_0042 (c) n.d. yes
Jumla K_0004_0003A (c) 1835 (VS 1892) yes
जुमिला K_0007_0043C 1838 (VS 1895) yes
Jumla K_0007_0043C 1838 (VS 1895) yes
Jumilā K_0007_0043C 1838 (VS 1895) yes
Jumla K_0013_0024E (c) 1817 (VS 1874) yes
जुमला K_0025_0027C 1854 (VS 1911) yes
Jumlā K_0025_0027C 1854 (VS 1911) yes
जुमला K_0025_0028A 1854 (VS 1911) yes
Jumalā K_0025_0028A 1854 (VS 1911) yes
Jumla K_0093_0002C (c) 1861 (VS 1918) yes
जुमलो K_0093_0002D 1805 (VS 1861) yes
Jumla K_0093_0002D 1805 (VS 1861) yes
Jumalo K_0093_0002D 1805 (VS 1861) yes
जुमलामा K_0093_0002E 1838 (VS 1895) yes
Jumlā K_0093_0002E 1838 (VS 1895) yes
Jumla K_0093_0002I 1879 (VS 1936) yes
Jumlā K_0093_0002O 1852 (VS 1909) yes
जुमला K_0093_0002P 1846 (VS 1902) yes
Jumla K_0093_0002P 1846 (VS 1902) yes
Jumlā K_0093_0002W 1844 (VS 1901) yes
Jumla K_0469_0017 1907 (VS 1964) yes
जुमला K_0469_0032 [1774 (VS 1831)] yes
जुम्‌ला•को K_0469_0032 [1774 (VS 1831)] yes
Jumla K_0469_0032 [1774 (VS 1831)] yes
jumalā K_0469_0032 (n) [1774 (VS 1831)] yes
jumlā K_0469_0032 (n) [1774 (VS 1831)] yes